
The Movie Critic
Feb 5, 2021

Squid Game star O Yeong-Su has been convicted of sexual misconduct over allegations he hugged and kissed a woman on the cheek against her wishes.

O was one of the stand-out performers in Netflix's global megahit Squid Game, garnering a Golden Globe nomination for his role as Oh Il-nam.
According to reports in Korea, O was sentenced to up to eight months in prison, suspended for two years, by the Seongnam Branch of the Suwon District Court.

The 79-year-old was charged in 2022 over allegations that he hugged a woman and kissed her on the cheek in 2017, per Korean news agency Yonhap.
He denied the charges and, after leaving court on Friday, told reporters that he would appeal the ruling, which included attending a 40-hour sexual offender treatment program.

O has previously said he held the woman's hand to guide her around a lake. "I apologized because [the person] said she wouldn't make a fuss about it but it doesn't mean that I admit the charges," he said.
According to AFP, judge Jeong Yeon-ju said the victim's records of the assault and her claims were "consistent … and appear to be statements that cannot be made without actually experiencing them."

The court added: "What's written in the victim's diary, and the counseling report of the victim after the incident pretty much match the details of this case."
O has been acting for more than 50 years but his role in Squid Game drew him global fame and acclaim. Other performances include the role of King Lear in the eponymous play and an appearance in South Korean TV series Chocolate.

Womenlink, a women's rights group in South Korea, welcomed the ruling. "The defendant resembles other offenders of sexual violence in theatre in the past who tried to cover up their sexual violence as 'favour' and 'friendship'," the group said in a post on Twitter (now X).

‘Squid Game’ Actor O Yeong-Su Convicted Of Sexual Misconduct Over Allegations He Hugged & Kissed Woman On Cheek Against Her Wishes

'Squid Game' actor O Yeong-Su was convicted of sexual misconduct after allegations he hugged and kissed a woman on the cheek against her wishes.


Oct 26, 2017
The main actor has done some fucked up stuff too and got away with it because Korean men are largely untouchable.


Mayor of Clown Town
Jun 8, 2019
Shit, really? Any examples?


Lee Jung Jae (Squid Game) found to have apparently assaulted someone twice and had 2 DUI’s

It seems this was known before but not to most people. https://twitter.com/pannchoa/status/1568064195366891520?s=46&t=Uob-RA1nkJFPaPFTOCzmDg https://www.pannchoa.com/2022/09/instiz-lee-jungjae-did-dui-twice-and.html And from the comments...

I think this was debunked but like there were rumblings about him not being exactly an ideal person to work with

harry the spy

Oct 25, 2017
I unintentionally kissed a couple of women on the cheeks (well really it's kissing the air) when I moved abroad from France not realizing this was not a worldwide tradition. I think they were usually too surprised to say anything. The first one was right in front of her husband too, they were good sports about it but in hindsight I am pretty mortified about it


Jan 1, 2022
There's definitely more to this story than "unintentionally kissing a woman on the cheek."
Jun 9, 2023
The main actor has done some fucked up stuff too and got away with it because Korean men are largely untouchable.


Lee Jung Jae (Squid Game) found to have apparently assaulted someone twice and had 2 DUI’s

It seems this was known before but not to most people. https://twitter.com/pannchoa/status/1568064195366891520?s=46&t=Uob-RA1nkJFPaPFTOCzmDg https://www.pannchoa.com/2022/09/instiz-lee-jungjae-did-dui-twice-and.html And from the comments...

I think this was debunked but like there were rumblings about him not being exactly an ideal person to work with

Okay so reading that he was accused of two assault charges, one being a bar fight and the other a very disturbing treatment of a woman twenty years ago. Horrible obviously, hopefully he's learned from them. 20 years is a long time to reflect. It was brought up again the day of his casting in Star Wars so there's definitely an agenda there too.

A couple DUIs and a an article in Korean Vogue that admitted to lying and using false information regarding his friend who committed suicide which they apologized to him for.

I definitely agree men get away with a LOT in Korea but I won't hold something he did 20 years ago against him now unless he's continued this behavior.

Deleted member 165444

Mar 8, 2024
The main actor has done some fucked up stuff too and got away with it because Korean men are largely untouchable.

I imagine the amount of horror stories that female idols could tell us would drive us into insanity.

EDIT: Forget that, even listening to the abuse of housewives could dent a person's soul.

harry the spy

Oct 25, 2017
Well, intentionally, but not realizing this was not done in the US. The ritual is not necessarily something I enjoyed anyway so I'm pretty happy to have shed it (at least with strangers or people I don't particularly care about). But conversely, I was pretty surprised when people hugged me (which you don't really do in France except with close family or friends)


Oct 28, 2017
Here in Brazil we are used to kissing women in the cheek as a manner of greeting. In some regions, two kisses, one in each cheek actually. And this is completely normal and accepted and expected here, so I get what they mean.

Actually, being from São Paulo, I'm used to giving one kiss in the cheek... however, when I met a friend from Rio de Janeiro, I was actually mocked because she was expecting two kisses and I gave only one. So yeah, greetings vary from region to region/culture to culture.


May 16, 2020
Yeah kissing someone on the cheek being equated to sexual assault really doesn't apply in the UK either. There has to be more to this.


Fallen Guardian
Aug 24, 2023
Here in Brazil we are used to kissing women in the cheek as a manner of greeting. In some regions, two kisses, one in each cheek actually. And this is completely normal and accepted and expected here, so I get what they mean.

Actually, being from São Paulo, I'm used to giving one kiss in the cheek... however, when I met a friend from Rio de Janeiro, I was actually mocked because she was expecting two kisses and I gave only one. So yeah, greetings vary from region to region/culture to culture.

The thing about kissing people in the cheeks(with two kisses one in each cheek specifically) as a greeting for very good friends or family members is somewhat common in Italy as well, not only for women but men as well. It's probably really weird to people from English speaking countries but it's a thing in several Romance languages speaking countries I feel like.

Not saying this to defend the dude in the article to be clear, I don't know much about him or this case and I don't know if a similar tradition even exist in Korea so I trust the court on this.

Also even in places like Italy if you kissed some stranger or person you just met a few times on the cheeks it would be seen as weird and inappropriate, it's only for people you are really close with like a best friend, sister/brother or some other family member.


Prophet of Regret - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
At least here in Chile, I tried greeting a woman in a labor setting who wasnt close to me with a handshake and she gave a pretty awkward stare so i greeted her with a kiss in the cheek, is a very awkward thing to do considering how each person feels more comfortable

the actor is still to blame imo because you must read the emotions of the woman who you greet though


Sep 16, 2020
According to reports in Korea, O was sentenced to up to eight months in prison, suspended for two years, by the Seongnam Branch of the Suwon District Court.

It would be beneficial to know whether or not there is more to the story here because, I dunno, if the charges are truly just a hug and a kiss on the cheek then prison time sounds extreme.

Keep in mind that this is the same justice system that drove Lee Sun-kyun to suicide over some weed.


Oct 30, 2017
Tokyo, Japan
The thing about kissing people in the cheeks(with two kisses one in each cheek specifically) as a greeting for very good friends or family members is somewhat common in Italy as well, not only for women but men as well. It's probably really weird to people from English speaking countries but it's a thing in several Romance languages speaking countries I feel like.
Maybe an American or more recent thing. My family is British and it's totally normal to greet with a big smacker on the cheeks.


Jan 7, 2018
The thing about kissing people in the cheeks(with two kisses one in each cheek specifically) as a greeting for very good friends or family members is somewhat common in Italy as well, not only for women but men as well. It's probably really weird to people from English speaking countries but it's a thing in several Romance languages speaking countries I feel like.

Not saying this to defend the dude in the article to be clear, I don't know much about him or this case and I don't know if a similar tradition even exist in Korea so I trust the court on this.

Also even in places like Italy if you kissed some stranger or person you just met a few times on the cheeks it would be seen as weird and inappropriate, it's only for people you are really close with like a best friend, sister/brother or some other family member.

In Slavic countries it's a courtesy and a greeting to have a kiss on a cheek between a man and a woman, in the past it was common between men aswell but that was a thing from the Soviet era so it pretty much died out already .. and this differs from situation to situation - a in a professional environment a handshake is of course enough, in a friendly or a casual it's mostly a one or two kisses on the cheeks


Oct 26, 2017
There's gotta be more to the story. I've often seen Korean elders give kisses on the cheek as a greeting. Prison time seems extreme


Associate Game Designer
Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
In Slavic countries it's a courtesy and a greeting to have a kiss on a cheek between a man and a woman, in the past it was common between men aswell but that was a thing from the Soviet era so it pretty much died out already .. and this differs from situation to situation - a in a professional environment a handshake is of course enough, in a friendly or a casual it's mostly a one or two kisses on the cheeks

I'm American, and my best friend's wife is Russian, so when I go visit, her and her friends usually greet me with a hug and a kiss on one or both cheeks. Granted, I've known many of them for years, but even the few that I've only met a few times they've greeted me that way.

I also come from a family of huggers, and we often greet one another with a handshake into a hug, or a hug and kiss on the cheek, so I don't tend to feel uncomfortable when greeting someone who comes from a culture where similar greetings are more common for them than here.

It really does depend on the familiarity we have with the person.

My rule of thumb is that I respect someone's personal space, and default to a handshake, and let them initiate their comfort level of greeting, and, like you said, it differs from situation to situation, so professional and first time meetings handshakes suffice, and in more friendly, casual, or I'm more familiar with the person situations, a hug or kiss on the cheek(s) if they initiate it.
Oct 26, 2017
It would certainly seem like a kiss on the cheek is not the norm in Korea and, considering the accused is an elderly Korean man, it's probably safe to assume he didn't slip up and forget what country he was in and what the expectations for greetings are.

There's gotta be more to the story. I've often seen Korean elders give kisses on the cheek as a greeting. Prison time seems extreme
edit: Wait, that is normal? Huh.


Oct 25, 2017
The thing about kissing people in the cheeks(with two kisses one in each cheek specifically) as a greeting for very good friends or family members is somewhat common in Italy as well, not only for women but men as well. It's probably really weird to people from English speaking countries but it's a thing in several Romance languages speaking countries I feel like.

Not saying this to defend the dude in the article to be clear, I don't know much about him or this case and I don't know if a similar tradition even exist in Korea so I trust the court on this.

Also even in places like Italy if you kissed some stranger or person you just met a few times on the cheeks it would be seen as weird and inappropriate, it's only for people you are really close with like a best friend, sister/brother or some other family member.

It def not something everyone does but I'd also say its still very common in America with family and close friends. I think where America is different from some of the "romantic countries" is that its almost never between two men because of our toxic masculine bullshit.. but male to female and female to female cheek kisses are a thing here.