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Nov 18, 2017
I was thinking a bit more about micro goals inside my current project but all that stuff is true as well!
Ah yes, that's true as well. I view development as a block of marble, and crafting new game content is like slowly chipping away at the rock until it's, hopefully, the Statue of David :) It brings tremendous joy.

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
Really warms my heart to see this community helping each other. :)

At a glance, Endesga 32 has much bolder reds and oranges than DawnBringer 32. I'd like to have some runs that feel more bold and contrasty and some that feel more pastel and subdued.

I haven't started this yet, so I also haven't really started reading up on different approaches... but a quick google found this fascinating article:

which covers a few possibilities, and in particular links to this which intrigues me:

I don't know what's possible yet, but as you say, it's a fun learning process :)

Very interesting indeed, I stand very much corrected! For the effect you wanted to achieve of having different feeling per run, you could randomly select and then fix the saturation and value for a given run, and then pick colors by generating hues using the golden ratio (then create color ramps for each color, that's the easy part).

This is pretty cool stuff, I can't wait to see what you cook up!

Good point, well made! I shouldn't use another game as an excuse for my game having flaws. I am making my own creation and need to make something I can be proud of independently, regardless of what else it takes inspiration from!

If you notice, the very best indie games don't just take inspiration from classic games, they go above and beyond them. Shovel Knight is, IMHO, better than the Megaman games it was inspired by. We are already standing on the shoulders of giants, we have decades of evolutive game design to pick from, and we lack the technical limitations earlier games had, except for what we impose upon ourselves stylistically. There is really no excuse for us not to try to make our games better than what came before; this is not arrogance, but humble acknowledgement that we benefit from all of the above.

It gives me anxiety, so I just give myself a to-do list and follow it most of the time. Otherwise I'll sit in indecision and not get anything done haha

That's me, yep. I have a huge to-do list (a simple .txt in the root of the project, so that it's version controlled as well), and pick items from the top / reorder according to priority from time to time. As of right now, my to-do list has *counts* 64 items.

One of the important reasons to have a list is that you don't interrupt what you're doing when you find a bug. You just add it to the top of the list and keep working on what you were doing.

Ah yes, that's true as well. I view development as a block of marble, and crafting new game content is like slowly chipping away at the rock until it's, hopefully, the Statue of David :) It brings tremendous joy.

It's funny because I've heard that metaphor so often, especially by actual sculptors, and I always thought of it as precisely that, a metaphor (and modesty on their part). By ever since getting into game dev, which at my ripe age of 40 is the closest thing to an actually creative endeavor I've ever tackled (unless you count painting robot toys / models), I've started to feel that same thing, in a much more literal way than I imagined. As if the game was already complete in some dimension only you can see, and all you're doing is bringing it here, removing the obstacles. The downside is the feeling I mentioned earlier of slight anticlimax, when you complete something and, yep, it's as you envisioned; it feels like the only change is that now other people can see it too; that it no longer lives only in your head, but exists as something tangible, which paradoxically seems like kind of a small change for all the effort you put in!

Am I crazy or does it feel like this for some of you too? :D

Edit: two interpretations of the room in DB32 and Endesga32, just for fun:


Last edited:


May 21, 2018
lololol doing the candle update for every milestone could get out of hand very quickly! i wonder...
and i love this shopkeeper so much haha

I'm familiar with these steps, but i don't know how to use primitives in GLSL. Is it the same as GML? I'd imagine it's written differently.

Do you mean the declaration of variables, or how to access them? This should explain the basics:

Keep in mind which shader version you're using (you see that on the #version number, #version 150 would be GL 3.2)
Here are the version declarations: (search for "OpenGL and GLSL versions").


Developer at Limited Run Games
Oct 26, 2017
Are there any fellow Game Maker Studio developers in here who have released a game on Vita? If so, DM me.


Oct 25, 2017
SK Canada
Anyone working with the Oculus Go?

I'm doing a little project which won't be available on the Oculus Go store. But I don't want it to be hidden all the way in the Unknown folder in the library.

Does anyone know how to add an app to the Oculus Go library on the front page?


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017

so I have basically what you might think of as a charge attack that lasts for a large amount of frames. I've discovered the problem that it multi-hits enemies who get caught in the attack.

I would just set the enemy.hurtbox reset time to a large number, but I want to be able to also hit the enemies with a projectile attack during the charge attack (it makes sense i swear), so just letting them be invincible after the first hit doesn't seem like a good idea. I basically want the charge hitbox to store that specific enemy id in an array, check the array, and ignore that enemy on subsequent checks. It still should be able to recognise new enemies it hasn't hit before, hit them, and then toss them into the ignore_array as well.

I got that working, but then for some reason once I hit the first enemy other enemies after it don't seem to register... though I think that's a function of the switch I'm flicking once a single enemy is found on the array (it's just an ignore = true var basically... which I don't reset or anything, which might be the issue... hrmm)

Anyway, I need some sleep to think on how to properly word the coding to do what I want.


May 4, 2018
I've been working on some prototypes for my Jalopy X Euro Truck Simulator 2 game ahead of the kickstarter. Quite happy with how this coastal / docks proof-of-concept area looks after a few days work.


Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
Wow, massive improvement! Are you planning on changing the blue and black concentric blocks on the right? The fact that they have a different pixel size from everything else is triggering my OCD. :D


Oct 27, 2017
Wow, massive improvement! Are you planning on changing the blue and black concentric blocks on the right? The fact that they have a different pixel size from everything else is triggering my OCD. :D
Not sure they are the puzzles blocks, the game was base on making good use of touch screen's so having to turn that into mouse I need and wanted them to stand out on a tiny screen

but so far not done anything to them yet


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
woke up at 4:50am couldn't sleep booted up game maker added a line of code fixed my problem

thanks, lack of sleep


Oct 25, 2017
newport beach, CA
woke up at 4:50am couldn't sleep booted up game maker added a line of code fixed my problem

thanks, lack of sleep
I can't tell you how often this has happened haha

I've been working on some prototypes for my Jalopy X Euro Truck Simulator 2 game ahead of the kickstarter. Quite happy with how this coastal / docks proof-of-concept area looks after a few days work.

Soooo much bokeh. Is there a particular lens or style you're imitating with that much bokeh?


May 4, 2018
Soooo much bokeh. Is there a particular lens or style you're imitating with that much bokeh?

In this video it's bugged - the water is shown as completely bokeh-ed but it should begin blurring at 160m out. Something about the shader is confusing the depth buffer. That said the bokeh is purposefully very heavy for a few reasons. The first was I used this shadertoy demo as a touchstone for the artstyle of the game; I quite like how distant headlights emerge from the bokeh soup and it really helps create the dreamy mood I'm going for with the game. The vibe is all about the hypnotic, dreamlike vibe of driving at night and the bokeh is appropriate to this, I feel. The second reason is that this is a super hacked together prototype and the heavy DoF helps hide the streaming sins I'm committing in the distance!

It looks a bit annoying from over here.

It's certainly not a style that appeals to everyone but it's found a niche of people who're into it so I'm probably going to stick with it for the production version of the game. It may end up being divisive so there will likely be controls to optionally dial it down.

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
I think the bokeh is OK, it gives it a hazy, nighty, cozy feeling that I like. Perhaps dial it down by like 20%, at most.

What I don't like that much is the contrast between it and the hard edges on the closer geometry. I don't have a clue how to fix that other than by vaseline filtering the shit out of the closer stuff, as if it was some anime romantic scene. :D


Jan 14, 2018

Wanted to share a model I have been working on, it's a mural that will be part of a cement wall, in the level that I'm working on. I plan to add some micro surface detail later in Substance Painter but I think the sculpting part is done for now.


Oct 26, 2017
Angoulême, France
As I was doing my now traditional saturday gif blast, I got greeted by a facebook message informing me that my gif was removed because it "didn't meet the standards of the community"... has this happened to anyone else? I restored it using the "what is wrong with you" option (just labeled "wrong flag" unfortunately, but it should really be named something else), but FB is really dropping fast in usability. If it wasn't for some of my French friends requesting it to be there, I'd have bailed from there a long time ago...


Anyway, for now, Warrior moves, woo! Still a few weeks ahead of that, but I start to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and not a moment too soon, as it was starting to get a liiiiiiiittle repetitive. On that note, since I could feel burnout creeping in (or maybe it HAS set in for a while and just waits to blow up in my face) and since I've obviously got too much free time on my hands, I've agreed to help another indie project, a kinetic VN that I hope I'll be able to share more about, but I'll have to make some cool stuff for it first :v


Nov 29, 2017
As I was doing my now traditional saturday gif blast, I got greeted by a facebook message informing me that my gif was removed because it "didn't meet the standards of the community"... has this happened to anyone else? I restored it using the "what is wrong with you" option (just labeled "wrong flag" unfortunately, but it should really be named something else), but FB is really dropping fast in usability. If it wasn't for some of my French friends requesting it to be there, I'd have bailed from there a long time ago...


Anyway, for now, Warrior moves, woo! Still a few weeks ahead of that, but I start to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and not a moment too soon, as it was starting to get a liiiiiiiittle repetitive. On that note, since I could feel burnout creeping in (or maybe it HAS set in for a while and just waits to blow up in my face) and since I've obviously got too much free time on my hands, I've agreed to help another indie project, a kinetic VN that I hope I'll be able to share more about, but I'll have to make some cool stuff for it first :v

Oh! I am interested in VN you will working on!
Can you tell us at least about the Theme of the game? I really liked the VN style in your first game.


Oct 26, 2017
Angoulême, France
Oh! I am interested in VN you will working on!
Can you tell us at least about the Theme of the game? I really liked the VN style in your first game.

Oh, thanks :-) A word of caution, though: I'm only doing character art, so the game itself will not be anything remotely similar to Honey, I'm not involved in the design/writing, or really anything beyond drawing characters!
The game will be a slice-of-life young adult LGBTQ+ semi-autobiographical story, with a Magical Girl twist. I actually don't know much more about it than that, as I haven't read the entire script beyond what the demo offers: . (All the demo art is placeholder, as indicated on the download page. I'm not sure what the backgrounds will look like eventually, but as for the characters, here's my initial test for the main character:

It's not going to be animated, either - only still images, traditional VN style, but that'll hopefully be a good change of pace for me :-D


Oct 26, 2017
Shaders are really hard.

That knowledge is what I have to show for my work over the last couple of days.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
i can't figure out this particle thing in game maker 1.4. But I only learned about it today, so I guess that's fine.

One, I can't figure out how to get the speed of the particles to tie into the way my slow motion system works. I thought just setting the min*global.slowmo and the max*global slowmo in the part_type_speed setting would slow them down but it doesn't seem to do jacksquat.

Two, I can't figure out the depth functions. Basically I want the particles to be behind the character (obj_char.depth + 1) if they're travelling Downwards, and in front of them (obj_char.depth - 1) if they're travelling up. But the code is remarkably inconsistent about detecting it and I've no idea which bit of it is failing. Probably time to start surfacing values in text again until I can track down the bug.

K Monkey

Oct 25, 2017
As I was doing my now traditional saturday gif blast, I got greeted by a facebook message informing me that my gif was removed because it "didn't meet the standards of the community"... has this happened to anyone else? I restored it using the "what is wrong with you" option (just labeled "wrong flag" unfortunately, but it should really be named something else), but FB is really dropping fast in usability. If it wasn't for some of my French friends requesting it to be there, I'd have bailed from there a long time ago...


Anyway, for now, Warrior moves, woo! Still a few weeks ahead of that, but I start to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and not a moment too soon, as it was starting to get a liiiiiiiittle repetitive. On that note, since I could feel burnout creeping in (or maybe it HAS set in for a while and just waits to blow up in my face) and since I've obviously got too much free time on my hands, I've agreed to help another indie project, a kinetic VN that I hope I'll be able to share more about, but I'll have to make some cool stuff for it first :v

Never posted a gif on facebook and that just sounds weird as hell.

Btw love that gif above... it also has a very cool side effect from the explosions leaving a smear on the screen that i can't unsee :D


Jun 2, 2018
Im new here on this forum, Im glad I could join. I've been working on some animations for a game concept, it is supposed to be a 2d rpg game. Im looking forward to sharing more of my ideas!


Oct 25, 2017
In this video it's bugged - the water is shown as completely bokeh-ed but it should begin blurring at 160m out. Something about the shader is confusing the depth buffer. That said the bokeh is purposefully very heavy for a few reasons. The first was I used this shadertoy demo as a touchstone for the artstyle of the game; I quite like how distant headlights emerge from the bokeh soup and it really helps create the dreamy mood I'm going for with the game. The vibe is all about the hypnotic, dreamlike vibe of driving at night and the bokeh is appropriate to this, I feel. The second reason is that this is a super hacked together prototype and the heavy DoF helps hide the streaming sins I'm committing in the distance!

It's certainly not a style that appeals to everyone but it's found a niche of people who're into it so I'm probably going to stick with it for the production version of the game. It may end up being divisive so there will likely be controls to optionally dial it down.
Oh no, it's cool. Just wanted to say it's a bit uneasy the way it is. Sure, as
you've said, it's nowhere near finished.

I also work on my own DoF and bokeh solution (yet somewhat differently) for my
game and some other stuff.


(art due to embalm)


However, to get the distance and amount of blur and bokeh right I implemented
the full thin lens equations to get the correct CoC sizes for different depths
(even for bokeh in front of the DoF);


Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
As I was doing my now traditional saturday gif blast, I got greeted by a facebook message informing me that my gif was removed because it "didn't meet the standards of the community"... has this happened to anyone else? I restored it using the "what is wrong with you" option (just labeled "wrong flag" unfortunately, but it should really be named something else), but FB is really dropping fast in usability. If it wasn't for some of my French friends requesting it to be there, I'd have bailed from there a long time ago...


Anyway, for now, Warrior moves, woo! Still a few weeks ahead of that, but I start to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and not a moment too soon, as it was starting to get a liiiiiiiittle repetitive. On that note, since I could feel burnout creeping in (or maybe it HAS set in for a while and just waits to blow up in my face) and since I've obviously got too much free time on my hands, I've agreed to help another indie project, a kinetic VN that I hope I'll be able to share more about, but I'll have to make some cool stuff for it first :v

Beautiful as always!

I don't use Facebook, not even for personal use. I'm skeptical of most social networks but Facebook especially and the way people are enticed to post personal information there feels super creepy to me.

Oh, thanks :-) A word of caution, though: I'm only doing character art, so the game itself will not be anything remotely similar to Honey, I'm not involved in the design/writing, or really anything beyond drawing characters!
The game will be a slice-of-life young adult LGBTQ+ semi-autobiographical story, with a Magical Girl twist. I actually don't know much more about it than that, as I haven't read the entire script beyond what the demo offers: . (All the demo art is placeholder, as indicated on the download page. I'm not sure what the backgrounds will look like eventually, but as for the characters, here's my initial test for the main character:

It's not going to be animated, either - only still images, traditional VN style, but that'll hopefully be a good change of pace for me :-D

Looking amazing already!
Also, that feeling when someone else's placeholder art is better than anything one could draw. :D

Shaders are really hard.

That knowledge is what I have to show for my work over the last couple of days.

They are definitely the toughest part of Unity development by far. Their learning curve is pretty brutal.

Any particular effect you want to achieve? If it's for a 2D game, I might have done something similar or be able to repurpose some of mine.

Im new here on this forum, Im glad I could join. I've been working on some animations for a game concept, it is supposed to be a 2d rpg game. Im looking forward to sharing more of my ideas!

Looks very interesting! I would have assumed it would be a point and click adventure from that snippet, wouldn't have guessed it's an RPG.


Oct 25, 2017
As I was doing my now traditional saturday gif blast, I got greeted by a facebook message informing me that my gif was removed because it "didn't meet the standards of the community"... has this happened to anyone else? I restored it using the "what is wrong with you" option (just labeled "wrong flag" unfortunately, but it should really be named something else), but FB is really dropping fast in usability. If it wasn't for some of my French friends requesting it to be there, I'd have bailed from there a long time ago...


Anyway, for now, Warrior moves, woo! Still a few weeks ahead of that, but I start to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and not a moment too soon, as it was starting to get a liiiiiiiittle repetitive. On that note, since I could feel burnout creeping in (or maybe it HAS set in for a while and just waits to blow up in my face) and since I've obviously got too much free time on my hands, I've agreed to help another indie project, a kinetic VN that I hope I'll be able to share more about, but I'll have to make some cool stuff for it first :v
Looks aww, like always.
Yeah, nice that we will see your skills in some other games, too! :D


Oct 26, 2017
Angoulême, France
Never posted a gif on facebook and that just sounds weird as hell.

Btw love that gif above... it also has a very cool side effect from the explosions leaving a smear on the screen that i can't unsee :D

Hahaha, can't unsee :-D I wonder if I can make it happen sort of like this in the game, too, without it being too costly? I like the idea of lingering fire effects :-D

Beautiful as always!

I don't use Facebook, not even for personal use. I'm skeptical of most social networks but Facebook especially and the way people are enticed to post personal information there feels super creepy to me.

Looking amazing already!
Also, that feeling when someone else's placeholder art is better than anything one could draw. :D

Many thanks :-D And yeah, I'm growing increasingly frustrated with Facebook - it's always been the worst sharing system, in my experience, but now that it actively becomes a nuisance, I'm strongly considering dropping it altogether... such a shame promotion/communication is an absolute must if a game if a game is to have any sort of visibility at release, else it'd be a complete no-brainer!

Looks aww, like always.
Yeah, nice that we will see your skills in some other games, too! :D

I hope the game will end up being cool, but I'm glad to branch out all the same :-D I'll admit, I was getting a bit sad of only working on super-long-term stuff (an admittedly self inficted curse), so I hope I'll get the chance to work in some more smaller scope stuff to have a wider variety of work out there, faster!


Jun 2, 2018
Looks very interesting! I would have assumed it would be a point and click adventure from that snippet, wouldn't have guessed it's an RPG.
I didn't see it that way, but when you mention it, It could very well be a point and click game lol. Thanks!
As I was doing my now traditional saturday gif blast, I got greeted by a facebook message informing me that my gif was removed because it "didn't meet the standards of the community"... has this happened to anyone else? I restored it using the "what is wrong with you" option (just labeled "wrong flag" unfortunately, but it should really be named something else), but FB is really dropping fast in usability. If it wasn't for some of my French friends requesting it to be there, I'd have bailed from there a long time ago...


Anyway, for now, Warrior moves, woo! Still a few weeks ahead of that, but I start to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and not a moment too soon, as it was starting to get a liiiiiiiittle repetitive. On that note, since I could feel burnout creeping in (or maybe it HAS set in for a while and just waits to blow up in my face) and since I've obviously got too much free time on my hands, I've agreed to help another indie project, a kinetic VN that I hope I'll be able to share more about, but I'll have to make some cool stuff for it first :v
Awesome looking animation. It seems so effortless for you to do these, hehe


Oct 27, 2017
Edmonton, Alberta

Core Software is almost there. On my 3rd iteration of combat. Almost have it ready.

Have a list of 40 or so bugs. Still missing Overhead map, skill upgrade and what not. But done enough to start story stuff and to start designing the final scenes

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
Looking good! I've lost the count of the times where I've said "well, with this the core mechanics are more or less complete", heh. Feature creep!

Also, screenshot Saturday! (video Saturday more like, but yeah).



Nov 7, 2017
Hope to join this community soon.

One friend of mine who got a degree in videogame development last year will teach me the basics to get a project started and going.

My aim is to develop a simple low-poly UE4 beat em up game, as the spiritual sequel to Streets of Rage 3 that was meant to be released on sega saturn or the dreamcast but never happened. Will not be able to do the art or coding myself of course, but I am aiming to develop a prototype that would lead to some artists joining in.

As I said, hoping to join this community soon!


Oct 26, 2017
Angoulême, France
^ Exactly my words, too, considering my stuff. xD

Somehow, I felt you could relate :-D

I didn't see it that way, but when you mention it, It could very well be a point and click game lol. Thanks!

Awesome looking animation. It seems so effortless for you to do these, hehe

Effortless it sure ain't, though - as you most likely know, since you've embarked on that crazy road yourself :-D Good luck!

Looking good! I've lost the count of the times where I've said "well, with this the core mechanics are more or less complete", heh. Feature creep!

Also, screenshot Saturday! (video Saturday more like, but yeah).

I really like the idea/choreography of this attack! Good one!


Oct 25, 2017
looking awesome everyone!!! 0_0

Got started on a new project... I'm using a gameplay template I got off of the GameMaker Studio 2 marketplace, so it's a nice change to be focusing on art first before programming... normally I have to start with a blank slate and by the time I start doing art I'm burnt out already too much to even care about doing the art.

I just made a brief player character vector, and like most of my games, it runs as a true vector and not a raster sprite:


I'll be heavily modifying the template I have, and blend it with another gametype that I'll hope to share in the coming months.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
weird feeling having a kinda working-ish prototype but no idea about the game's look and style yet

sitting here doodling and trying to think up stuff


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
well it's more like... aside from a series of combat boxes where you fight stuff and bosses, I don't have a good idea of what the general... vibe of the game is yet

On the other hand I do have 2d versions of like 3 different platinum char-action mechanics which i am very happy with

anyway, i'm slowly grasping towards something i think

/edit oh, but got a link to a portfolio?


Oct 25, 2017
Man, things have been terrible on my end these past few days. Can't get stuff done because GameMaker 2's DRM requires Period Check-In and it would seem that their DRM server is absolutely fucked because of a hackjob attempt at GDPR-compliance. For about the past three days now at least.


In other words... Guess it might be time to start capitalizing on my prior dabbling in UE4. Because honestly after this Icing On The Cake in productivity-losses as a result of GMS2's growing list of technical issues I don't think producing the full-version of AJRF is going to be exactly all that viable if things don't turn around. Probably going to do like Long Gone Days' devs did and just finish the current Demo as a Proof-of-Concept prototype and move on to actually building the real thing in one of the more mainstream engines.


Jun 2, 2018
Effortless it sure ain't, though - as you most likely know, since you've embarked on that crazy road yourself :-D Good luck!
Yeah it may seem like that, but i then learned there is a lot of work that goes into it, shading, correcting animation errors etc
Thanks, appreciate it, it sure does seems like a road that is not easy.

Benz On Dubz

Oct 27, 2017
I've been prototyping terrain shading in my renderer. I went with the standard approach of using 4 materials per terrain with a weight map to blend between them:


I also added a bunch of quality-of-life fixes like better text/property alignment, wireframe mode, improved mouse picking, data-driven shader properties, etc.

After the terrain materials, I'm going to look into adding foliage and wind sim.
Last edited:

Sean Noonan

Lead Level Designer at Splash Damage
Oct 26, 2017
Avoiding releasing Jack B. Nimble around E3, so working on the next thing a bit...



Oct 27, 2017
Hey fellas!

I have nothing important to share but as part of the community I felt the need to participate.

With a couple of friends we're finishing planning and the script for a 2D action game with a post-apocaliptic sci fi setting (Blade Runner/Mad Max). We are making a dense story but we'll try to make it as uninstrusive as possible.
We expect to start prototypes and gameplay mechanics the next semester, art design as well.

I don't want to call it a Metroidvania game because it probably won't feature interconnected levels, and backtracking with new abillities to unlock new paths but we expect to have a variety of gadgets and weapons that works in tandem with the level design.

It'll be action packed with big levels to explore, bosses, and moments to rest but with a focus on the story.

Do you think that sidecroller fans would like a game like that? I mean, I wonder if a focus on story would be a problem for people, we're not planning long cutscenes and breaks but there is a big story planned for the game. We even want to make a comic book as prequel.

Oh and the thread is of big help since we're a bunch of amateurs lol. :)


Nov 29, 2017
Oh, thanks :-) A word of caution, though: I'm only doing character art, so the game itself will not be anything remotely similar to Honey, I'm not involved in the design/writing, or really anything beyond drawing characters!
The game will be a slice-of-life young adult LGBTQ+ semi-autobiographical story, with a Magical Girl twist. I actually don't know much more about it than that, as I haven't read the entire script beyond what the demo offers: . (All the demo art is placeholder, as indicated on the download page. I'm not sure what the backgrounds will look like eventually, but as for the characters, here's my initial test for the main character:

It's not going to be animated, either - only still images, traditional VN style, but that'll hopefully be a good change of pace for me :-D

Look interesting so far.
Also I think the recent art with a little more work look ok as well.
However I read that there would be other artist as well except you. Doesn't this mean you must a specific art style to work together around it?
I hope for the best and i am curious to see the final result.
Finally i will put obviously in my Thread as well.


Nov 18, 2017
Anyone familiar with coding achievements in Unity for Android and Google Play? I want to update a game of mine that's already up there, but the most up-to-date source code may be lost forever (unless it can be found on Google's servers?)

Lady Bow

Nov 30, 2017
looking awesome everyone!!! 0_0

Got started on a new project... I'm using a gameplay template I got off of the GameMaker Studio 2 marketplace, so it's a nice change to be focusing on art first before programming... normally I have to start with a blank slate and by the time I start doing art I'm burnt out already too much to even care about doing the art.

I just made a brief player character vector, and like most of my games, it runs as a true vector and not a raster sprite:


I'll be heavily modifying the template I have, and blend it with another gametype that I'll hope to share in the coming months.
That (ship?) design is lovely! I'm liking the colors.


Oct 26, 2017
Angoulême, France
Look interesting so far.
Also I think the recent art with a little more work look ok as well.
However I read that there would be other artist as well except you. Doesn't this mean you must a specific art style to work together around it?
I hope for the best and i am curious to see the final result.
Finally i will put obviously in my Thread as well.

Yes, I believe there is at least a background artist, a promo artist and another for GUI/extra art, but as far as I know and have discussed/agreed to, I'll be the only one taking care of character art in the game, for consistency's sake (so no concerns of mismatching art styles as far as characters are concerned, and cel shaded coloring usually tends to mesh well with most kinds of backgrounds, even the more realistic types). I'll be hoping it turns out all right as well, though we probably won't know until some of it all comes together :-D
And thanks a lot for putting it in your thread! This'll undoubtedly help it a lot with visibility!
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