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Oct 25, 2017
I haven't read any books, but I think Naomi and Drummer have had several other characters rolled into them to streamline the plot

Ignatz Mouse

Oct 27, 2017
These two episodes have been very entertaining, but I'm not thrilled by the overall plot.

So, some unknowns want to sow dissent between the Belt and Earth/Mars, so they plot to blow up a ship and blame the Roci? Perhaps this will be explained better later, but it's nothing like the more interesting multi-political dance of the first 2.5 seasons. And it also seems like a bit of a stretch scheme-wise.

Still entertaining and well done, but I miss my more complex intrigue.


Oct 28, 2017
These two episodes have been very entertaining, but I'm not thrilled by the overall plot.

So, some unknowns want to sow dissent between the Belt and Earth/Mars, so they plot to blow up a ship and blame the Roci? Perhaps this will be explained better later, but it's nothing like the more interesting multi-political dance of the first 2.5 seasons. And it also seems like a bit of a stretch scheme-wise.

Still entertaining and well done, but I miss my more complex intrigue.
All I can say is, give it some time, it will make sense when you have all the pieces. And be prepared for some nice stuff regarding the ring too.


Oct 30, 2017
These two episodes have been very entertaining, but I'm not thrilled by the overall plot.

So, some unknowns want to sow dissent between the Belt and Earth/Mars, so they plot to blow up a ship and blame the Roci? Perhaps this will be explained better later, but it's nothing like the more interesting multi-political dance of the first 2.5 seasons. And it also seems like a bit of a stretch scheme-wise.

Still entertaining and well done, but I miss my more complex intrigue.

I don't think it's an unkown faction. I think one of the three is playing some high level chess.

Man I love it when shit just goes nuts in this show. the last half of last night's episode was thrilling!


Oct 26, 2017
luckily I forgot 99% of Abaddon's Gate and the end of this episode had me on the edge of my seat, awesome.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think it's an unkown faction. I think one of the three is playing some high level chess.

Man I love it when shit just goes nuts in this show. the last half of last night's episode was thrilling!
I thought it was likely pointing towards Mars, since we've already seen them use ability-enhancing pills/drugs before.


Oct 25, 2017
I love how the show never ceases to remind us that gravity is a thing. Like the ships approaching a destination facing away to decelerate with thrusters, or Cas accelerating sending Amos to the floor and the danger being not just missile avoidance but also Holden getting splattered against the walls
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Oct 25, 2017
I love how the show never ceases to remind us that gravity is a thing. Like the ships approaching a destination facing away so decelerate with thrusters, or Cas accelerating sending Amos to the floor and the danger being not just missile avoidance but also Holden getting splattered against the walls
They even got a bit of relativity into the last episode! When the Roci starts decelerating hard towards the ring, you see the ship going slightly forward until the camera adjusts its speed to be zero relative to the ring instead of the ship. Even though that was probably just because it looks cool, I thought it was a nice reminder that speed is always relative in space (well, not just there, but anywhere else you normally have a big object of reference).


Oct 25, 2017
They don't always get it right. When the transport exploded, it should have gone "forwards" relative to the decelerating ships. Instead, the debris field maintained formation with the fleet.


Oct 25, 2017
Amos hitting the floor was so good, it really looked like he got pulled down due to high G rather than just the actor diving to the ground.

They don't always get it right. When the transport exploded, it should have gone "forwards" relative to the decelerating ships. Instead, the debris field maintained formation with the fleet.

I wouldn't be surprised if they have an actual physics engine that takes space and zero gravity into account, sort of like a space engine, to do their space CGI stuff. But I'm also pretty certain that they modify it to make it look good by taking some artistic liberty. Perhaps that's why it was like that?


Oct 25, 2017
Spoiler request: does Drummer stick around for a long time in the books? Cara Gee (who looks completely different out of the show makeup) seems to be pretty active with the core cast despite rarely being on screen with them.


Oct 26, 2017
Goddamn, that was an incredible episode. Literally on the edge of my seat for the last 10 minutes.

I've missed Thomas Jane on this show so much.


Oct 26, 2017
How does all the swearing get handled when this airs in the US, by the way? There was so much of it in this episode! I mean Holden just screamed 'fuck' at Miller about 5 times in the space of 3 seconds. Was that whole thing just silenced or what?


Oct 24, 2017
I hope when Amazon pays for this show they hire a better soundmix guy so I can actually start hearing what people are saying.


Oct 27, 2017
The Netherlands
I hope when Amazon pays for this show they hire a better soundmix guy so I can actually start hearing what people are saying.

hmm, never really noticed that (but English isnt my native language). Audio sounds fine to me. Maybe play with some audio settings? I once had bad audio because some weird surround setting got enabled on my receiver but I don't have surround speakers (I prefer stereo for everything). Dialogue usually comes from the center audiobar, if you have one in a surround setup.


Oct 25, 2017
I hope when Amazon pays for this show they hire a better soundmix guy so I can actually start hearing what people are saying.
I only had an issue with that in the first season for a few episodes, I actually had to turn on subtitles to understand what they were saying. I haven't really had any issues with that since then, though.


Oct 25, 2017
I only had an issue with that in the first season for a few episodes, I actually had to turn on subtitles to understand what they were saying. I haven't really had any issues with that since then, though.
Yeah, audio is fine to me except the whole thing was relatively soft during my early S1 rewatch on Amazon a couple of weeks ago.


Oct 26, 2017
Drummer is actually 3 separate book characters compressed into 1. They've done a pretty good job.


Oct 25, 2017
Spoiler request: does Drummer stick around for a long time in the books? Cara Gee (who looks completely different out of the show makeup) seems to be pretty active with the core cast despite rarely being on screen with them.
she becomes the 5th president of a new human intragalactic order.


Oct 25, 2017
Columbus, OH
I've been avoiding this thread until I was caught up, and I'm finally caught up and watched the latest episode. Pretty great. Interested to get some more answers regarding Miller and Julia(?).


Oct 25, 2017
That lady he planted the bomb is super weird. She can't be part of the OPA or the Earthen or Martian governments since she's trying to cause a bunch of chaos, it has to be a new faction. That video message is also weird 'cus I'm not 100% what the tech for something like that is, either they did that in the computer or it is Holden and, well, that's also weird.


Oct 25, 2017
That lady he planted the bomb is super weird. She can't be part of the OPA or the Earthen or Martian governments since she's trying to cause a bunch of chaos, it has to be a new faction. That video message is also weird 'cus I'm not 100% what the tech for something like that is, either they did that in the computer or it is Holden and, well, that's also weird.
Naomi did say it could be some kind of simulation tech


Oct 25, 2017
That lady he planted the bomb is super weird. She can't be part of the OPA or the Earthen or Martian governments since she's trying to cause a bunch of chaos, it has to be a new faction. That video message is also weird 'cus I'm not 100% what the tech for something like that is, either they did that in the computer or it is Holden and, well, that's also weird.

To be fair, we're almost to the point now where faking a video like that is possible. There was a huge controversy a few months ago about it being used to fake celebrity pornography. Adobe demoed some voice simulation tech last year as well.

This episode was amazing. Even though I've read Abaddon's Gate that was such a tense sequence.


Oct 30, 2017
I love how the show never ceases to remind us that gravity is a thing. Like the ships approaching a destination facing away to decelerate with thrusters, or Cas accelerating sending Amos to the floor and the danger being not just missile avoidance but also Holden getting splattered against the walls

I think inertia not gravity?

They even got a bit of relativity into the last episode! When the Roci starts decelerating hard towards the ring, you see the ship going slightly forward until the camera adjusts its speed to be zero relative to the ring instead of the ship. Even though that was probably just because it looks cool, I thought it was a nice reminder that speed is always relative in space (well, not just there, but anywhere else you normally have a big object of reference).

That's not relativity (as in the scientific theory). As you point out, it's just the relative difference in velocity between the camera and the ship.

But yeah I love the neat little details they add that touch on realistic physics. They engines not withstanding of course ;) But we gotta have some type of warp in sci-fi, right?


Oct 25, 2017
Miller I've missed you! Thomas Jane is so good.

I'm still on the fence about how they handled the time skip, tbh, but broadly speaking both these episodes have been fantastic. I'm so into this damn show.
Yeah, I got settled in pretty quick but it was a little confusing at first even though they did have several characters sum up how long it's been. Maybe there's something they could have done to show it more smoothly at the beginning of that ep.

It hasn't hurt it though, I agree, both of the eps that have kicked off this new chapter have been amazing.

Drummer is actually 3 separate book characters compressed into 1. They've done a pretty good job.
Oh interesting. She's been pretty great.
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