
Oct 25, 2017
Friend can use the word fag out of context, even though it's roots are awful - and I'm bisexual myself. I've said many times don't say it, don't say nigger, don't say kike... but just in general insults or rage that's alright :/

That shit was rampant when I was like 12-15yo (which was in the early 2000s). Even I did it because it was so normal. Haven't heard it used like that in a long time, fortunately. Most people here seemed to wise up on that really quickly at some point.

Deleted member 835

User requested account deletion
Oct 25, 2017
We can't be having a superhero that represents us. Some white dudes get jealous that we have one.


Oct 31, 2017
But why? Wakanda would be well beyond the technological level of the U.S. as well. Why would it being in Illinois make you more comfortable?

If you really want an answer I'll send you a PM. I really think it's time to let my opinions on this slide and allow people who are elated about the BP movie being a thing (me among them) enjoy it.
Oct 26, 2017
I've been slowly finding out a lot of programmers are pretty sexist/racist, so I wouldnt put it past any of these people to write some bots to do this shit.


Oct 25, 2017
Reviewers are actually afraid to rate zelds games poorly, look what happened to Jim Sterling.

*Slips back into durrville,*


Oct 25, 2017
Some or most crazy people get worked up if a marvel movie gets good reviews however I do see a lot of the hate is on black panther. I see Infinity war also getting tons of hate when it comes out.


Oct 31, 2017
If BP and CM are successful, they'll open the doors for many people and these guys hate that. They want the door to be opened for just a select few and those few follow the quota that they want.

WW was already a huge success, that train already left.

Eventually we will have movies starring black heroines being major box office successes and we won't even notice. No matter how loud people scream, the ship has sailed.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
If you really want an answer I'll send you a PM. I really think it's time to let my opinions on this slide and allow people who are elated about the BP movie being a thing (me among them) enjoy it.

You can go ahead and PM it, but a fictionalized nation that hides itself in the middle of Illinois would be basically impossible to explain. Aftrica is tailor suited to "hidden nations".


Oct 25, 2017
Waaaah Heshinsi got banned. I hope the mods realize he was joking. Never fly too close to the sun bro, lesson learned.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
I can't believe that Marvel would suddenly fuck up one of their big movies and especially not the Black Panther one.

Allready bought my tickets.

To bad Irdis Elba is allready in the Thor Movies. Would love him to star in a big Marvel Movie as the Main Character.

Would Marvel be brave enough to do Isaiah Bradley? Or rather would Disney allow blatant racism in a Marvel movie?
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User requested self-ban.
Feb 2, 2018
I want both Black Panther and Captain Marvel to be huge cuz I feel like that'll get me my Ms. Marvel movie sooner.

I was hoping for a Captain Racist movie but I guess Ms Marvel will suffice. :P

To be honest, I think Ms Marvel will be here by Phase 4 or 5, I can't see them wasting time, especially since Ms Marvel has been received passivity in public perception (Her comic book sales haven't been so good).

WW was already a huge success, that train already left.

This is true but do remember WW came in a year where female led movies won hugely at the book offices. At the current moment BP is the only one of its kind in 2018. We don't even know if we are getting another female hero movie apart from Wonder Woman 2 and Captain Marvel in 2019. It's really slim pickings.

I wouldn't call it a revolution just yeah. :p
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Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
You can go ahead and PM it, but a fictionalized nation that hides itself in the middle of Illinois would be basically impossible to explain. Aftrica is tailor suited to "hidden nations".
It actually genius cause it is playing with the old colonial trope of "Deepest Darkest Africa"

Playco Armboy

Oct 28, 2017
man these journalists are so scared the mob might get them if they give black panther a negative review!!!!

like all those outlets that gave Wonder Woman a negative score, their homes were defaced and vandalized and burned down!

oh wait


Oct 27, 2017
Do you have examples for said hate? It appears very strange for me, Black Panther has been established in previous Marvel movies and I do not remember any controversy surrounding this character? What are people hating on (if possible without spoilers, my wife loves the Marvel franchise and makes me watch all those movies with her, so I will certainly watch this movie at some point as well)?

Deleted member 42

user requested account closure
Oct 24, 2017
Do you have examples for said hate? It appears very strange for me, Black Panther has been established in previous Marvel movies and I do not remember any controversy surrounding this character? What are people hating on (if possible without spoilers, my wife loves the Marvel franchise and makes me watch all those movies with her, so I will certainly watch this movie at some point as well)?

He's black and a superhero
That's literally it
Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta GA



Oct 27, 2017
I honestly don't know. There was a Marvel ad on my Facebook asking 'Which character are you most excited for in Black Panther?' Bunch of normal replies, some claiming they didn't really know that much about the character. And a couple of people going: This'll be the first Marvel movie I skip, why do they have to be so pc, a black side character getting a movie of his own? Fucking bullshit.'

It honestly boggles my mind. There have been seventeen Marvel movies, including two with a talking raccoon in them, before the release of a movie with a black protagonist. It's not pc to do this, it's about time a character from 1966 gets his own film. And from the looks of it it's going to be an awesome one. I'm white, I have no experience with African culture or Black Panther, so it's just gonna be extra cool and fresh to see this in an apparently awesome (but probably not entirely accurate) movie.


Oct 27, 2017
He's black and a superhero
That's literally it
He was black and a superhero before as well, though? Is this actually what people complain about, because that would be... rather stupid. In this case it is very easy to answer the original question though: Those people are hateful because they are racists and want their racist views to be validated by media.

Deleted member 4274

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
You know what gets me... Black panther is a 52 year old character... the history of Wakanda has been in established for DECADES. Now a film is coming out soon with a majority black cast and NOW y'all want to pop shit with "nah that shit don't make sense" in a movie universe with talking raccoons and green women or "THERE'S BEEN BLACK SUPER HERO MOVIES BEFORE!!!!" when it's been Spawn, Blade, Blankman and Meteor man.

A film with rave reviews and that is heavily anticipated by melanated people? Nah, I see you...


User requested self-ban.
Feb 2, 2018
I expect Bronson to ban me because everyone knows he like red velvet cake and not chocolate fudge.

Deleted member 21380

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
Well, in the western, English speaking internet, most racists are white. Racists love to hate on black idols. Racists are also very invested in making their opinions known when it concerns black cultural "hypes".

Soooo - that's why you get a lot of racist white guys shitting up comment sections.

The regular white guy probably thinks "yay, another cool marvel movie" or "meh, another marvel movie" and that's it?


Oct 25, 2017
Well, in the western, English speaking internet, most racists are white. Racists love to hate on black idols. Racists are also very invested in making their opinions known when it concerns black cultural "hypes".

Soooo - that's why you get a lot of racist white guys shitting up comment sections.

The regular white guy probably thinks "yay, another cool marvel movie" or "meh, another marvel movie" and that's it?

As a regular white guy I can confirm this looks like another generic Marvel movie but I'm cool others are hyped for it.