
Nov 2, 2017
Have you guys seen Spencer's Tweet where he tried to paint Black Panther as Alt-Right film? These guys are tripping over themselves.

Jedeye Sniv

Oct 28, 2017
MOD EDIT: Please do not bring up cross forum drama.

I used to think you were OK, misjudged you huh.

Just an FYI, Ninj is one of the nicest, soundest dudes I've had the privilege of knowing. Judging people on throwaway comments is dumb.

That said, NinjaBox wtf dude haha. Think before open mouth.


Oct 27, 2017
The irony is the people talking bad about the movie and feeling insecure are usually the ones that will tell you to get over slavery.


Oct 25, 2017
Calling this movie a "movement" is also idiotic tho. Did people call Blade the same stuff?
It's just yet another good Marvel superhero flick.
This kinda gives you an idea why the backlash is happening. In a way you're right, it's just another comic book movie but if you think just a bit you will understand. Think about how every major franchise or epic blockbuster has either had no strong minority/black representation outside of the Black BFF or the old police chief that has the hero's back but never really does anything useful or memorable. And now here comes this movie where the black actors are front and center and even the director is black and it goes against everything you've been accustomed to.

You carry a sense of cynicism in you but that's fine. What you have to ask is why that cynicism exists in the first place. Are you just deep down a racist after all or have you been conditioned by the media to carry it with you because all the major blockbusters have been white driven and when something comes along that goes against all that you get confused why ppl might call this movie a "movement".

When one of the biggest franchises in the world comes out with a movie with majority minority cast you better believe it's a monumental occurrence. It's a movement towards better representation for everyone, its a movement towards not bringing out the same tired excuses about why an entire continent of people keep getting white washed. It's breaking up the decades old status quo that has built up over a century to exclude a bunch of people with no good reason other then saying: "that's just how it works". Being told you can't join the club and then have something like BP come along to hopefully prove them wrong...yeah, its gonna be a big deal for many ppl.

This is just addressing ppl that feel this movie is being "oversold". Not technically against the movie but still wonder what the big whoop is all about. It might not be anything special for you but as long as you understand why for some ppl it might be then you're some way to getting it.

As for Blade....first of all it was just one black dude surrounded by pretty much a white cast so idk how the fuck you can even begin to see that as any "movement" and even then they couldn't let that one black dude get all the limelight and started shoving white people in it by the end.

jon bones

Oct 25, 2017


People on 4chan and other sites organized some kind of mass commenting/tweeting campaign to try to defame this movie. They planned to do it all at the same time and use multiple accounts per person so that the backlash looks bigger than it really is. It's just a dust fart. The movie is going to do well.

If anything you should be relieved that the ones who do stuff like this are actually a small percentage of white people.

if only these internet-raised boys had jobs or relationships with women to keep them busy


Nov 4, 2017
MOD EDIT: Please do not bring up cross forum drama.

I used to think you were OK, misjudged you huh.

Wait, am I missing some context here? Like, why is everyone reacting to this. Sorry for a further derail, but idk what's happening. :c

On topic, this bullshit was guaranteed to happen in this day and age. I'm sure the movie's gonna at least be on the level of Iron Man, though, so their racist bullshit will ring very hollow to me.


Oct 26, 2017
User Warned: Using "SJW" in a derogatory way
MOD EDIT: Please do not bring up cross forum drama.

I used to think you were OK, misjudged you huh.

Holy crap, see this is the sort of crap it's become now, oh you said a mean thing, let me google your handle and dig through anything you've ever said to make you look worse.

That my friends is how these mental SJW folks work. GG WP. Ninj is a good guy, occasionally says dumb crap,

But everyone at some stage has said something dumb and later regret it.


Oct 25, 2017

I can see why people might call it a movement but I think event is more appropriate. Movement for me is something that carries real life weight (BLM, MLK rights battle). As I said before in one of my posts, no one will look at it as a movie.

It's a comic book movie yet people will try to use it as platform for further shitflinging. Alt right idiots crying, people tripping themselves to proclaim how woke this movie it is, "Wakanda could have been real", etc.

It's just annoying.


Oct 27, 2017
I think it is the heavy African aspect of the movie which really gripes these racist guys.
They just can't let black people have their culture front and centre in a Marvel movie like this.

I think they see it as threatening especially when it is being regarded as one of the greatest Marvel movies made.
Thankfully I think they are a tiny (but vocal) minority living only in internet land.

If this is a thing that bothers someone and gets them worked up then they clearly have nothing else going on in their life.

Bold One

Oct 30, 2017
Holy crap, see this is the sort of crap it's become now, oh you said a mean thing, let me google your handle and dig through anything you've ever said to make you look worse.

That my friends is how these mental SJW folks work. GG WP. Ninj is a good guy, occasionally says dumb crap,

But everyone at some stage has said something dumb and later regret it.
Overplayed your hand there m8


Oct 29, 2017
They're just morons. Don't let it take away from the movie.

For that it's worth, I'm white af and can't wait to see it.


Oct 25, 2017
I can see why people might call it a movement but I think event is more appropriate. Movement for me is something that carries real life weight (BLM, MLK rights battle). As I said before in one of my posts, no one will look at it as a movie.

It's a comic book movie yet people will try to use it as platform for further shitflinging. Alt right idiots crying, people tripping themselves to proclaim how woke this movie it is, "Wakanda could have been real", etc.

It's just annoying.
You need to dig a bit deeper and see it in the context of everything and not just this specific movie. Semantics aside, you can't tell me that a major block buster with a full minority cast is not a movement in the context of Hollywood blockbusters in the last 40 years. Again see it from not your perspective but those other ppl's.

An event is a "DC vs Marvel" movie.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
This but replace "MISANDRY" with "REVERSE RACISM!" and make the girl's skin darker.



Oct 25, 2017
You need to dig a bit deeper and see it in the context of everything and not just this specific movie. Semantics aside, you can't tell me that a major block buster with a full minority cast is not a movement in the context of Hollywood blockbusters in the last 40 years. Again see it from not your perspective but those other ppl's.

An event is a "DC vs Marvel" movie.

Yeah, I am mostly talking from my cynical perspective.
The biggest winner should be black kids who get to see such big movie with black badass "Batman". They will enjoy it 100% for what it should be.

I think I will just watch it, enjoy it and avoid as much as I can when it comes to online circus of stupid.


Oct 30, 2017
Bullshit tribalism, as usual. People see the Other in celebration, and they assume it comes at their expense somehow. Humans are pack animals capable of astonishing feats of pettiness.


Oct 27, 2017
Shit runs deep in everyday folk. My dad asked my once why we don't have straight pride parades

I know

That's a rough one. I guess I have been lucky and not exposed to 'everyday folk' so much, I just cannot get in the mindset of someone who would find a film with black people in to be disgusting and insulting to their core.
Nov 14, 2017
"What about white panther?" has got to be one of the most batshit dumb things I have ever heard. It's not even "what about white history month?" or "what about white pride?" tier, because those have some superficial validity, for example if an alien with absolutely no prior knowledge or context arrived on Earth during black history month and wondered what was up. "What about white panther?" is like asking "what about Scarlet Wizard, or Black Widower?"


Oct 25, 2017
Holy crap, see this is the sort of crap it's become now, oh you said a mean thing, let me google your handle and dig through anything you've ever said to make you look worse.

That my friends is how these mental SJW folks work. GG WP. Ninj is a good guy, occasionally says dumb crap,

But everyone at some stage has said something dumb and later regret it.

I didn't need to Google shit, I've interacted with him plenty of times over the years, so when I see him post dumb shit multiple times, I call him out. Especially when it seems agendas are at play.

Kinda like yours.


Oct 25, 2017
I firmly believe that some are just trolls, without any strong feelings on one way or another. They just get a kick out of acting like a buffoon and getting people to react. Now for the rest of them, I don't know really. But the first post was probably right.

Dr. Benton Quest

Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
Holy crap, see this is the sort of crap it's become now, oh you said a mean thing, let me google your handle and dig through anything you've ever said to make you look worse.

That my friends is how these mental SJW folks work. GG WP. Ninj is a good guy, occasionally says dumb crap,

But everyone at some stage has said something dumb and later regret it.
Don't over play your hand friendo.

Can't keep the troll game up if you let everyone know how you really feel.


Oct 30, 2017
That's a rough one. I guess I have been lucky and not exposed to 'everyday folk' so much, I just cannot get in the mindset of someone who would find a film with black people in to be disgusting and insulting to their core.

My parents are confusing as fuck. They loved Moonlight and my mom's convinced the Oscars were rigged on purpose to deny the director stage time but they'll also complain about immigrants on welfare and bristle at my suggestion than Belgian society is generally racist.

They're ignorant white folk, basically.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm a white person, and I admit we where a mistake.
YouTube comments are more asinine than YouTube friends. If you,don't like it, turn it off and watch something else. The option to go to the comments and type "ur fukkin gay suk my massive dick" needs to be removed.

YouTube doesnt give a shit about comments, only views, so I don't understand why they keep it.


Oct 31, 2017
Im gonna recycle because its relevant

I'm sorry but that comparison isn't particularly well thought.

Banner turning into a green monster isn't politically charged. Thor coming from a race of aliens with god-like technology isn't politically charged.

Wakanda being the way it is is more than politically charged, it's a political statement. Wakanda being the way it is is absolutely something that is rooted in the idea of fighting racism and completely self aware about it. It's an attempt to blend african traditions with the idea of technological supremacy for the sake of creating a fantasy (and there's nothing wrong in this, as all superheroes are power fantasies) that surpasses and exceeds reality.

As a white man who harbours the ambition of not being racist (while being fully aware it's not up to me to decide if I am or not) I have to admit that I find the idea of Wakanda... racist. I know it's an attempt to make Africa amazing and invincible in the fantasy context of the Marvel universe, but in doing so it takes a giant dump on actual Africa and African people. There's no secret paradise in Africa, there's no secret culture that blends technology and science and illuminism. I've been to Africa frequently and it's a land of stark contrasts (and many difficulties) but I can't shake the idea that Wakanda is basically a way of saying "If we portrayed Africa like it is, that would be racist or uncool or whatever, but our super fantasy Africa instead is progressive and awesome". And there's a strong difference between re-creating New York as it is and then inserting one impossibly brilliant guy with super technology or a kid with special powers, and scrapping an entire continent to create your own better, nonproblematic, irrealistic version because you think the actual thing isn't acceptable.

Maybe I'm wrong. I hope to be wrong. But I can't shake the feeling that Wakanda is basically running a bus over Africa in order to make african-americans happy. And at the risk of making a generalization, it's an incredibly american thing, completely tone deaf to the state of the rest of the planet. Wakanda isn't much different from the several fantasy hellholes Marvel or DC create in eastern Europe, showing an incredible lack of respect for PLACES THAT ACTUALLY EXIST and where actual people live.

You want to create a fictional evil country run by a racist dictactor? Twist Alabama, not Latvia. You want to create a supertechnological culture of black people that are incredibly superior to the actual thing? Hide it in Illinois, not Africa.

Edit: and mind you, I very much look forward to seeing Black Panther which I absolutely expect to be awesome, I would just be more comfortable around the idea of it being about a black guy with superpowers that make him so much better than an actual black guy, without the part about the black superculture that exists because the actual black countries and cultures apparently aren't good enough. Or something. I simply think there's a strong different between idealizing a hero and idealizing a people. Because when you create a fictional hero you're creating an icon, when you replace an actual culture with a fictional one you're doing something else.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
I'm a white person, and I admit we where a mistake.
YouTube comments are more asinine than YouTube friends. If you,don't like it, turn it off and watch something else. The option to go to the comments and type "ur fukkin gay suk my massive dick" needs to be removed.

YouTube doesnt give a shit about comments, only views, so I don't understand why they keep it.
We need to start identifying the ppl that create trash like this and stopping them rather then waiting for the trash to crap out and then get mad at it. Little use getting mad at the crap on the floor rather than getting mad at the dog that left it.

But as always the "freeze peach" comes out as soon as you even begin to point the finger at the culprits.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
I firmly believe that some are just trolls, without any strong feelings on one way or another. They just get a kick out of acting like a buffoon and getting people to react. Now for the rest of them, I don't know really. But the first post was probably right.

Ironic racism is still racism.


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
I never in my life, met a white person that is not racist in some form or another. Not to say they don't exist, I just never met them. The ones I thought were not racist have all hit me with the hushed tones of "I'm not racist but...." moments at some point in life.

So to see this movie face backlash online is a given. It will get worse after people see the film, because people will love it and then start engaging the trolls with "best marvel film ever" type stuff and then shit will get ugly, especially here. I feel like this film will awaken feelings in a lot of people, some good and some pretty damn negative.

Maybe I'm being cynical, I just never met anyone who hasn't said some suspect shit about another race before. (In America, I'm sure it's different in Europe)


Bold One

Oct 30, 2017
I'm sorry but that comparison isn't particularly well thought.

Banner turning into a green monster isn't politically charged. Thor coming from a race of aliens with god-like technology isn't politically charged.

Wakanda being the way it is is more than politically charged, it's a political statement. Wakanda being the way it is is absolutely something that is rooted in the idea of fighting racism and completely self aware about it. It's an attempt to blend african traditions with the idea of technological supremacy for the sake of creating a fantasy (and there's nothing wrong in this, as all superheroes are power fantasies) that surpasses and exceeds reality.

As a white man who harbours the ambition of not being racist (while being fully aware it's not up to me to decide if I am or not) I have to admit that I find the idea of Wakanda... racist. I know it's an attempt to make Africa amazing and invincible in the fantasy context of the Marvel universe, but in doing so it takes a giant dump on actual Africa and African people. There's no secret paradise in Africa, there's no secret culture that blends technology and science and illuminism. I've been to Africa frequently and it's a land of stark contrasts (and many difficulties) but I can't shake the idea that Wakanda is basically a way of saying "If we portrayed Africa like it is, that would be racist or uncool or whatever, but our super fantasy Africa instead is progressive and awesome". And there's a strong difference between re-creating New York as it is and then inserting one impossibly brilliant guy with super technology or a kid with special powers, and scrapping an entire continent to create your own better, nonproblematic, irrealistic version because you think the actual thing isn't acceptable.

Maybe I'm wrong. I hope to be wrong. But I can't shake the feeling that Wakanda is basically running a bus over Africa in order to make african-americans happy. And at the risk of making a generalization, it's an incredibly american thing, completely tone deaf to the state of the rest of the planet. Wakanda isn't much different from the several fantasy hellholes Marvel or DC create in eastern Europe, showing an incredible lack of respect for PLACES THAT ACTUALLY EXIST and where actual people live.

You want to create a fictional evil country run by a racist dictactor? Twist Alabama, not Latvia. You want to create a supertechnological culture of black people that are incredibly superior to the actual thing? Hide it in Illinois, not Africa.

That was quite intellectually dishonest.

You could have boiled down your post to

"too unbeliavable, I can't relate"

I don't know if you are being serious or trying to play devil's advocate


Oct 26, 2017
I didn't need to Google shit, I've interacted with him plenty of times over the years, so when I see him post dumb shit multiple times, I call him out. Especially when it seems agendas are at play.

Kinda like yours.

So you have his past interactions saved? Interesting. I have no agenda here other than what I stated. I just find it crazy you felt it was okay to link other sources.

under the " I used to think you were cool man" laughable person.

Don't over play your hand friendo.

Can't keep the troll game up if you let everyone know how you really feel.

Not even trolling, that's the sad thing, you see that bad news these days comes after something else happens you then see twitter screens or old old stuff suddenly in the limelight again.

Both sides in this ridiculous state of identity politics that the US has these days do the same thing. I just find it absolutely ridiculous.

An argument or statement from a person should be taken from that point of time, not the ohhh side quest look at 10 things they did before this sheeesh.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm sorry but that comparison isn't particularly well thought.

Banner turning into a green monster isn't politically charged. Thor coming from a race of aliens with god-like technology isn't politically charged.

Wakanda being the way it is is more than politically charged, it's a political statement. Wakanda being the way it is is absolutely something that is rooted in the idea of fighting racism and completely self aware about it. It's an attempt to blend african traditions with the idea of technological supremacy for the sake of creating a fantasy (and there's nothing wrong in this, as all superheroes are power fantasies) that surpasses and exceeds reality.

As a white man who harbours the ambition of not being racist (while being fully aware it's not up to me to decide if I am or not) I have to admit that I find the idea of Wakanda... racist. I know it's an attempt to make Africa amazing and invincible in the fantasy context of the Marvel universe, but in doing so it takes a giant dump on actual Africa and African people. There's no secret paradise in Africa, there's no secret culture that blends technology and science and illuminism. I've been to Africa frequently and it's a land of stark contrasts (and many difficulties) but I can't shake the idea that Wakanda is basically a way of saying "If we portrayed Africa like it is, that would be racist or uncool or whatever, but our super fantasy Africa instead is progressive and awesome". And there's a strong difference between re-creating New York as it is and then inserting one impossibly brilliant guy with super technology or a kid with special powers, and scrapping an entire continent to create your own better, nonproblematic, irrealistic version because you think the actual thing isn't acceptable.

Maybe I'm wrong. I hope to be wrong. But I can't shake the feeling that Wakanda is basically running a bus over Africa in order to make african-americans happy. And at the risk of making a generalization, it's an incredibly american thing, completely tone deaf to the state of the rest of the planet. Wakanda isn't much different from the several fantasy hellholes Marvel or DC create in eastern Europe, showing an incredible lack of respect for PLACES THAT ACTUALLY EXIST and where actual people live.

You want to create a fictional evil country run by a racist dictactor? Twist Alabama, not Latvia. You want to create a supertechnological culture of black people that are incredibly superior to the actual thing? Hide it in Illinois, not Africa.

But Wakanda is not Africa. It's an African nation. There are successful African nations. There have been African nations of great wealth and gold-plated rulers. A social-realist, skewing toward depressive depiction of Africa is still a lot more common than any shiny fantasy. This is a welcome diversion, not a symptom of a recurring problem. Diversity in representation is basically just about that: Diversity. You absolutely need to show Africa as it is, as well as its problems and issues, and that's being done, but you also need to allow Africa to be a place for cool, bad-ass successful fantasy worlds, like anywhere else.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I think the whining on resetEra is mostly skepticism from those that haven't agreed with critics for the last dozen Marvel films. Obviously mixed with racism too, but yeah i can imagine how horrid the discussion is elsewhere


Oct 25, 2017
Sick and tired of being clumped in with bad eggs by this forum. I get you, you lot hate us. Yeesh. Sounds like more a problem with the people that are products of the USA rather than a race thing. You lot are crazy.

Lookin' forward to seeing the movie, like almost everyone I know.


Oct 28, 2017
So you have his past interactions saved? Interesting. I have no agenda here other than what I stated. I just find it crazy you felt it was okay to link other sources.

under the " I used to think you were cool man" laughable person.

Not even trolling, that's the sad thing, you see that bad news these days comes after something else happens you then see twitter screens or old old stuff suddenly in the limelight again.

Both sides in this ridiculous state of identity politics that the US has these days do the same thing. I just find it absolutely ridiculous.

An argument or statement from a person should be taken from that point of time, not the ohhh side quest look at 10 things they did before this sheeesh.
Both sides, huh? Cool.

Jedeye Sniv

Oct 28, 2017
I didn't need to Google shit, I've interacted with him plenty of times over the years, so when I see him post dumb shit multiple times, I call him out. Especially when it seems agendas are at play.

Kinda like yours.

Believe me when I say that Ninja is an innocent soul almost incapable of having an agenda of any sort.

I think SJW is a poor, loaded term that is best not used any more but I think there does need to be a word that describes people who will disingenuously take the worst possible reading of a sentence and use it to paint someone in the worst kind of light. Especially in cases where people will use that tactic to take a moral high ground based on very little context. Like you've done there at the end. What agenda would you say Skeleton has? Can you elaborate?

I'll put it this way, most of the people posting on Era not know each other but for the words they are typing out, often in a hurry, sometimes probably a bit wound up. People will and do say some things that other people will pick up on and use as 'evidence' for some kind of deep character flaw. It's bullshit, you have no idea what these people are like really, just like we don't know you.

Anyway, I'm hyped for BP and I think it's plainly obvious that the people upset about this film are racist idiots.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
Sick and tired of being clumped in with bad eggs by this forum. I get you, you lot hate us. Yeesh. Sounds like more a problem with the people that are products of the USA rather than a race thing. You lot are crazy.

Lookin' forward to seeing the movie, like almost everyone I know.

Look at this #NotAllMen-esque shit. lol

Bold One

Oct 30, 2017
But Wakanda is not Africa. It's an African nation. There are successful African nations. There have been African nations of great wealth and gold-plated rulers. A social-realist, skewing toward depressive depiction of Africa is still a lot more common than any shiny fantasy. This is a welcome diversion, not a symptom of a recurring problem. Diversity in representation is basically just about that: Diversity. You absolutely need to show Africa as it is, as well as its problems and issues, and that's being done, but you also need to allow Africa to be a place for cool, bad-ass successful fantasy worlds, like anywhere else.
Part of the problem is that a lot of people have been conditioned to perceive Africa and Africans through the red Cross lense of poverty - "starving children in Africa" is a part of the everyday American lexicon. They are unable to perceive Africa or Africans in any other way.

A film like this is a massive rupture to their fabricated reality.


Oct 27, 2017
Why is it that, at least on the internet, it seems like racism is so one sided? Why is it that I never see this kind of vitriol from minorities towards mostly/all white movies and entertainment? Obviously I'm not saying POC can't be prejudice, but their presence online seems to be virtually non-existent. It seems like every crevice of the Internet is filled with alt-right spewing their garbage.

I hope that one day, the majority of white people who aren't racist, will say "enough is enough" and have an honest dialogue about race and what role they play in changing this culture that seems to have a big fucking chip on their shoulder.

Ignoring the problem isn't going to make it go away and change is only going to happen from within.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm sorry but that comparison isn't particularly well thought.

Banner turning into a green monster isn't politically charged. Thor coming from a race of aliens with god-like technology isn't politically charged.

Wakanda being the way it is is more than politically charged, it's a political statement. Wakanda being the way it is is absolutely something that is rooted in the idea of fighting racism and completely self aware about it. It's an attempt to blend african traditions with the idea of technological supremacy for the sake of creating a fantasy (and there's nothing wrong in this, as all superheroes are power fantasies) that surpasses and exceeds reality.

As a white man who harbours the ambition of not being racist (while being fully aware it's not up to me to decide if I am or not) I have to admit that I find the idea of Wakanda... racist. I know it's an attempt to make Africa amazing and invincible in the fantasy context of the Marvel universe, but in doing so it takes a giant dump on actual Africa and African people. There's no secret paradise in Africa, there's no secret culture that blends technology and science and illuminism. I've been to Africa frequently and it's a land of stark contrasts (and many difficulties) but I can't shake the idea that Wakanda is basically a way of saying "If we portrayed Africa like it is, that would be racist or uncool or whatever, but our super fantasy Africa instead is progressive and awesome". And there's a strong difference between re-creating New York as it is and then inserting one impossibly brilliant guy with super technology or a kid with special powers, and scrapping an entire continent to create your own better, nonproblematic, irrealistic version because you think the actual thing isn't acceptable.

Maybe I'm wrong. I hope to be wrong. But I can't shake the feeling that Wakanda is basically running a bus over Africa in order to make african-americans happy. And at the risk of making a generalization, it's an incredibly american thing, completely tone deaf to the state of the rest of the planet. Wakanda isn't much different from the several fantasy hellholes Marvel or DC create in eastern Europe, showing an incredible lack of respect for PLACES THAT ACTUALLY EXIST and where actual people live.

You want to create a fictional evil country run by a racist dictactor? Twist Alabama, not Latvia. You want to create a supertechnological culture of black people that are incredibly superior to the actual thing? Hide it in Illinois, not Africa.

Edit: and mind you, I very much look forward to seeing Black Panther which I absolutely expect to be awesome, I would just be more comfortable around the idea of it being about a black guy with superpowers that make him so much better than an actual black guy, without the part about the black superculture that exists because the actual black countries and cultures apparently aren't good enough. Or something. I simply think there's a strong different between idealizing a hero and idealizing a people. Because when you create a fictional hero you're creating an icon, when you replace an actual culture with a fictional one you're doing something else.

Your form of thinking is like people asking why is there a black history month and saying it's racist.

If it wasnt for racists constantly fucking over and disfranchising, there would not need for a fictionalized part of Africa.