
Dec 15, 2017

I hate the man with every fibre of my being but as a liberal, rationalist, realist and American there are some things he said that..."fuck my life " I kind of agree with.

None of this excuses him or makes him a better person but I'm curious to see if anyone aligns with ideas he talked about in this interview. It's easy to just dismiss anything Trump vomits from his mouth as partisan. Take away your hate for this Orange Fuckhole and tell me if you think he's on the side of any good ideas for our country.


Bold Bur3n Wrangler
Oct 25, 2017

I hate the man with every fibre of my being but as a liberal, rationalist, realist and American there are some things he said that..."fuck my life " I kind of agree with.

None of this excuses him or makes him a better person but I'm curious to see if anyone aligns with ideas he talked about in this interview. It's easy to just dismiss anything Trump vomits from his mouth as partisan. Take away your hate for this Orange Fuckhole and tell me if you think he's on the side of any good ideas for our country.


Next question.

I Don't Like

Dec 11, 2017
Please, please stop with this bullshit. Seriously. The notion that Trump, an ignorant, racist, sexist, idiotic, worthless, horrible human being deserves recognition occasionally because he espouses some views that are obvious is not anything we should be congratulating. Not even anything we should be commenting on with, "As much as I hate him he's right."

He is a piece of shit. The world would be better off with him dead. That's the only truth when it comes to Trump. Stop trying to identify with him. It's a transparent, try-hard attempt to look moderate and it doesn't fool anyone.

I don't care if he magically solved world hunger

He's shit.



Oct 28, 2017
The bar is so low Trump could form a coherent speech and some people would applaud him as 'presidential'. Trump needs to called out till he's out with no reprieve.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
This is what the media does to him often. Occasionally he fails to shit himself on live TV and gets praised for doing so. Our standards have gone to hell in a handbasket.

Especially because you know there is no policy in that big orange head. He says a combination of what he thinks you want to hear combined with what he heard from the person he talked to last. This in no way, shape, or form, translates to what he actually does.

It is without substance to judge his words, because to him, words have no meaning.
Oct 27, 2017
The big problem is that even if he says a few things that are good, he is most likely lying or at best doesn't understand what he is talking about.

His actions show that he cares only about himself. He will go along with whatever the crowd wants, and he will sign whatever his inner circle/republicans ask of him.


Oct 25, 2017
Sheffield, UK
My so-called broken clock was absolutely correct at 4:27 in the morning, and AGAIN at 4:27 in the evening. Not so broken after all.

Edit: beaten by a nose

I Don't Like

Dec 11, 2017
Also, to FireSafetyBear's point: if he did solve world hunger, he wouldn't give a fuck about the fact that he solved world hunger. He would just want to be congratulated and exalted.

Take your "Trump sucks but he's right" shit and shove it right up your fucking ass.


Oct 25, 2017
This piece of shit will say whatever is circling his brain at the moment and then contradict himself the same day sometimes the same hour or is then corrected by his even worst than him cabinet.


Oct 25, 2017
The problem is that even if he shits out a few words at random that just happen to align in a coherent, non evil sentence after eating too much taco bowl, it's the taco bowl doing all the talking. He doesn't believe or even remember most of what he says.

AZ Greg

Oct 27, 2017
Also, to FireSafetyBear's point: if he did solve world hunger, he wouldn't give a fuck about the fact that he solved world hunger. He would just want to be congratulated and exalted.

Take your "Trump sucks but he's right" shit and shove it right up your fucking ass.

Damn, Trump is really destroying this place...

I Don't Like

Dec 11, 2017
Nice! Name calling! You sound like a pleasant guy!

There's nothing inherently wrong with name-calling; you clearly deserve it. Go worry about attempting to appear "classy" instead of calling out a person who makes this world worse. Dumbass.

Damn, Trump is really destroying this place...

Only way this place would be destroyed is if we had more of these, "I hate Trump but he's right" threads and posts.
Oct 25, 2017
Trump has said things that are not crazy in the past. Unfortunately, he actually ends up doing the shittiest thing possible every single time. The guy is beyond reprieve.
Oct 31, 2017


Oct 30, 2017
It's kind of amazing how easily some liberal allies get impressed with this shit stain and his non sense when he burps something that makes sense.

I ain't going to watch that video, since most of what this bastard has to say are just vacuous words that usually border in racist or intolerant policies.

Dude Abides

Oct 27, 2017
I don't understand. This interview is mostly the interviewer talking about how the global economy is doing well and asking Trump to agree with him that Trump is right and the naysayers wrong. There aren't any policy ideas in this interview that I can see. Could you please specify which actual policy ideas - note, we should have more growth is a goal, not a policy idea - he had that you agree with?


Oct 25, 2017
Any moron will eventually say something that is semi-agreeable if given enough time to ramble.


Nov 1, 2017
None of this excuses him or makes him a better person but I'm curious to see if anyone aligns with ideas he talked about in this interview. It's easy to just dismiss anything Trump vomits from his mouth as partisan. Take away your hate for this Orange Fuckhole and tell me if you think he's on the side of any good ideas for our country.

Trump says a lot of things that people can agree with.

Remember when he said that everyone should have good health insurance and that the government should pay for it? Remember when he said he was the first Republican to promise no cuts to social security or medicare?

What he says and what he signs are very different things.


Oct 27, 2017
He's talking nonsense and taking every possible opportunity to glorify himself, just like he always does. I will admit that he seems uncharacteristically coherent in this interview.
Oct 25, 2017
Trump says a lot of things that people can agree with.

Remember when he said that everyone should have good health insurance and that the government should pay for it? Remember when he said he was the first Republican to promise no cuts to social security or medicare?

What he says and what he signs are very different things.

To add: Remember that LGBT flag? Remember when Mexico was paying for the wall? Remember when he said he supported dreamers?


Oct 26, 2017
OP why didn't you post anything you agreed with that he said? You linked to a 21 minute video. If you like all 21 minutes you may be a MAGA boy.


Oct 25, 2017
His entire speech was pointless, and he didn't exactly wow anyone there, nor can I perceive him having really achieved anything with his presence in Davos. I guess he got a lot of attention and he likes that? I mean, yeah, he is still POTUS and people will make photos of him, just to show their children they have witnessed the orange menace.
Any other President would have been torn apart for such a performance, but I guess he didn't wet his pants, so great job?

I Don't Like

Dec 11, 2017
Let's please be polite to other users.

We should be polite to Trump apologists? So being an apologist for racism and sexism gets you suspended or banned (rightly so), but being an apologist for Trump - a racist, sexist dumbass - is ok? And those who call those people out get warned? Please explain how that works.


Oct 29, 2017
He has no cohesive ideology, is a liar, probably has some early form of dementia, and is desperate for approval.

So from time to time you will hear him say things you like.


Restless Insomniac
Oct 25, 2017
We should be polite to Trump apologists? So being an apologist for racism and sexism gets you suspended or banned (rightly so), but being an apologist for Trump - a racist, sexist dumbass - is ok? And those who call those people out get warned? Please explain how that works.

From the FAQ:
Please be polite: Please be respectful and polite when posting in threads. This includes when addressing other users and when posting about the topic at hand. You can post in a thread without making it personal or insulting other users. Impolite posting and using improper grammar and spelling is frowned upon here. Consistently low quality posts can lead to a ban.

This includes calling users "fucking idiots". Argue your point respectfully. If you see someone directly defending or posting racist, homophobic, misogynist behavior, report it. If you have an issue with this please PM an Administrator.
Oct 26, 2017
Trump may be empty-headed but he's good at mirroring. That's why most people have fairly good one-on-one interactions with Trump because he's perfected the art of mirroring. The problem occurs when people realize there's nothing of substance behind the mirror. Or if you have multiple subjects in front of his mirror then he doesn't know what image to reflect and it becomes an inconsistent mess like the Congressional immigration meeting in front of the camera the other week where he had 3 different positions on key policies within 45 minutes.

It's also why he often parrots whatever the last person he spoke with. So if he spoke to someone reasonable within the last hour, then Trump will sound reasonable for a hour. That's all this interview is.


Oct 28, 2017
This is what the media does to him often. Occasionally he fails to shit himself on live TV and gets praised for doing so. Our standards have gone to hell in a handbasket.

Especially because you know there is no policy in that big orange head. He says a combination of what he thinks you want to hear combined with what he heard from the person he talked to last. This in no way, shape, or form, translates to what he actually does.

It is without substance to judge his words, because to him, words have no meaning.
I noticed this when i looked to press reactions to his speech last night. American media was all like "it wasn't that bad. It was actually decent" while the european media tore it to shreds.


Oct 27, 2017
Nah. I'll save any sympathy I have for him when I'm contemplating his grave.

I won't have any sympathy then, either.


Oct 25, 2017
I think he has some good ideas but I'm not going to talk about that here lol.
Why wouldn't you talk about them here?
It's kind of amazing how easily some liberal allies get impressed with this shit stain and his non sense when he burps something that makes sense.

I ain't going to watch that video, since most of what this bastard has to say are just vacuous words that usually border in racist or intolerant policies.
You and I both know those people aren't actual allies.