
Oct 25, 2017
Aliens are out there and there is an intergalactic organization of planets but Earth is not in it because we're too dumb.

So they watch, and laugh.


Oct 25, 2017
I believe in the current astrophysicist theory that our collective conscious (soul?) preceded the "Big Bang" and it created the 3D hologram image of the universe we live in.

That we only observe the reality of matter and gravity because we collectively believe it so.

The only reason our hands stop when we press them together rather than pass through each other because even though the particles that make up our hands are 99% empty because we all believe that it makes up the solid matter that is our hands.

And that because the universe is just a "holographic" construct based on our collective conscious, there are probably an infinite amount of multiple universes that are offshoots depending on subtle differences occurring from slightly different perceptions of reality.


Oct 27, 2017
animals have acute senses to predict earthquakes and natural disasters, humans have dreams to foretell a shitty day or a bad event


Oct 25, 2017
Can't prove aliens exist, but the known universe (just the known parts!) is too damn big, so i fully believe they have to exist, if only just because mathematically it's unthinkable that only earth could possibly sustain or have sustained life in the entire known universe.


Oct 30, 2017
i lean toward the deities that are popular at the moment probably not existing


Oct 25, 2017
Maths related, but there's quite a famous paper (or series of papers) by a mathematician named Mochizuki (which I believe surfaced in 2012) in which he details what he calls "Inter-Universal Teichmuller Theory" and, he claims, proves a very famous open mathematical problem called the "ABC Conjecture". The problem with his work is that it's incredibly technical, the notation is quite impenetrable (an infamous diagram is found on page 182 of the first paper to illustrate this point:, and it requires a substantial background and time commitment to be able to read. Only a handful of mathematicians claim to fully understand the proof, and claim it's validity. Despite a number of distinguished mathematicians having tried to study the papers, and a handful of workshops on the papers, there has been little progress in the way of explaining the papers adequately or determining its validity. In particular, if I recall correctly one particular corollary in one of the papers (3.12) has been a sticking-point for a number of mathematicians, yet despite the concerns over this corollary little has been done to clarify the reasoning or sufficiently communicate the argument.

Although I cannot prove it, personally, I think the work will eventually be seen as either flawed, or insufficient as the proof of the ABC conjecture (for example, if at some point there's a jump in the argument made and this jump is not logically backed up and supported). Given the significance of the work, the length of time its been and the inability of the few who claim to fully understand it to more clearly explain some of the technical details to a wider audience, and the way the papers were allegedly written has me increasingly skeptical about its validity. The paper itself is far beyond me (especially given the time commitment to then actually learn and understand the technical details of it) so I certainly can't prove it, but I suspect it to be flawed.
Man, do I miss number theory.


Oct 25, 2017
Guilty of what specific crime? And what do you think the motive is?

Maybe an accident happened and they dumped the body. Always thought that something along those lines was the most probable answer. But who knows?

Mine is aliens as well. I find it extremely hard to believe that no other life forms exist in the whole universe.

Deleted member 11637

Oct 27, 2017
By the pint, and given responsible drinking, beer is healthier for you than fruit juice. The latter is loaded with sugar, and usually stripped of all fruit fiber.

Prove me wrong, scientists!


Oct 27, 2017
It's basically Star Trek out there among the stars. We're just not apart of The Federation of Planets yet.
Oct 25, 2017
I don't believe we necessarily have free will. I believe we live in a largely deterministic reality and any illusions of choice are not more than the result of massive numbers of inputs, both internal and external, that we simply aren't aware of nor can we see the affects of. I believe a god would look at us like an unfathomably complex game of the Sims
Free Will kind of does exist in a sense. You can make choices, but those choices aren't made in a vacuum free of influences, past experiences, environment, etc. if you roll a ball down a perfect hill, you can predict it's movements. If you add a bump or two, you can still measure where it is going to end up. The more complexities you add, you can still account for in this theoretical. However I don't think we will ever reach a point where we can measure the human mind in such a complex way.


Oct 27, 2017
Snapchat holds back views and will show them based on your app refreshing habits, to promote maximum use of time with app. The app will also keep track of your physical location so that if you're around another Snapchat user it'll ensure it displays the view on time correctly.

Also I've been saying Facebook is listening through your microphone, picking up key words for advertising, for a few years now. I believe it was "proved" awhile ago with some lines in the User Agreement.


Oct 27, 2017
I thought the animal thing was true, the dream thing I know is just a theory.

yes, I meant the second part can not be proved. I also heard a story where a lady had a cat and after a time he used to hit her throat with his paw. As it turned out, she had cancer there. Apparently the animal noticed it with his acute smelling sense.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Mine: Auto-correct is getting worse.

I never had a problem before. It worked great. But more and more, it's auto-correcting to words I didn't even come close to texting. Often times, it'll correct to absolute nonsense words no one would intentionally type. I feel like it's getting worse with every new phone I get (Samsung Galaxy 3, 5, 6 and 8).

What about you?

For what it's worth OP me and my OH have been saying the same since we got our S7's. We had the 4's before and we've had to endlessly edit everything ever since we upgraded.


Oct 25, 2017
Oct 27, 2017
Also I've been saying Facebook is listening through your microphone, picking up key words for advertising, for a few years now. I believe it was "proved" awhile ago with some lines in the User Agreement.

I have no doubt in my mind about this

Free Will kind of does exist in a sense. You can make choices, but those choices aren't made in a vacuum free of influences, past experiences, environment, etc. if you roll a ball down a perfect hill, you can predict it's movements. If you add a bump or two, you can still measure where it is going to end up. The more complexities you add, you can still account for in this theoretical. However I don't think we will ever reach a point where we can measure the human mind in such a complex way.

It's only "free" from our perspective though, so it isn't truly free will. We're not independently making a choice, we're simply executing one and if time could be rewound, we'd always make that choice if everything else stayed the same
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Oct 27, 2017
Free Will kind of does exist in a sense. You can make choices, but those choices aren't made in a vacuum free of influences, past experiences, environment, etc. if you roll a ball down a perfect hill, you can predict it's movements. If you add a bump or two, you can still measure where it is going to end up. The more complexities you add, you can still account for in this theoretical. However I don't think we will ever reach a point where we can measure the human mind in such a complex way.

Sure, but just because we can't fully understand or explain it doesn't mean reality isn't fully deterministic.


User-Requested Ban
Oct 25, 2017
i believe there's countless life forms in the universe. i believe there's a god.

that's about it, everything else is experiment bound. i use the feynman method, nothing else will do.

This plus I do believe something could happen after death. I don't feel as strongly about that as I do that God exists (I'm close to certain that some kind of God exists, but I'm like 70-80% that there's something after death)

Otherwise I try to be as scientific and empirical about things as possible. No conspiracies, alternative medicine, etc.. It's funny because a lot of people I know believe I'm an atheist because of how logic oriented I can be.


Unfurling New Wings
On Break
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
That you can't discuss controversial topics on Era without the thread devolving into personal attacks and multiple mod warnings.

Oh, you meant things without evidence...
I'm not sure if you are expressing an issue with the moderation on the site with this post, but if so, please message any such concerns to our mod captains Selina or Rowlf . Either way, please don't make off-topic complaints about the site in inappropriate threads.

Thank you.


Oct 27, 2017
That human consciousness occurs because our brains function by interactions between "many-worlds" style universes.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm not sure if you are expressing an issue with the moderation on the site with this post, but if so, please message any such concerns to our mod captains Selina or Rowlf . Either way, please don't make off-topic complaints about the site in inappropriate threads.

Thank you.

I thought his joke was pretty funny. Can't we have a little bit of irreverence every now and then?


Oct 28, 2017
That there is some food or drug (likely cocaine) that keeps celebrities thin, but ultimately takes years off their lives. Excluding surgeries.

Zac Efron doesn't have that body naturally, neither does Kendall Jenner


Oct 27, 2017
Aliens and ghost, but maybe not in the way someone would first think of. When I say aliens I'm not necessarily speaking about way advanced civilizations as much as just other living organisms out there. When I say ghost I mostly mean the residual theory. I mean, we're on a big ball flying through space. Anything is possible.


Oct 30, 2017
That signing up for donotcall actually resulted in a bunch of unscrupulous companies getting my number and spamming me with calls from places that don't adhere to US law.


Oct 25, 2017
Snapchat holds back views and will show them based on your app refreshing habits, to promote maximum use of time with app. The app will also keep track of your physical location so that if you're around another Snapchat user it'll ensure it displays the view on time correctly.

Also I've been saying Facebook is listening through your microphone, picking up key words for advertising, for a few years now. I believe it was "proved" awhile ago with some lines in the User Agreement.

I 100% believe this too.
You should check this out:


Oct 25, 2017
1. Yawning is contagious.
2. If I stare at someone who isn't looking I can get their attention.

It's happened to often to be coincidence.
I'm not crazy
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Oct 31, 2017
Mine is controversial if you know the story (everyone in the UK will) :

The McCann's are guilty, something happened and they covered their tracks. They know more than they say.

Not at all controversial most people think it's fishy as far as I know.

They are guilty of child neglect at the very least regardless...

If they were Shannon Matthews and went to benidorm instead and where in a shitty British bar watching del boy instead of tapas they would have hung out by the media and charged with neglect I have no doubt at all.

Funny how they used all that donations to pay for the mortgage etc...
Oct 27, 2017
I'm not sure if you are expressing an issue with the moderation on the site with this post, but if so, please message any such concerns to our mod captains Selina or Rowlf . Either way, please don't make off-topic complaints about the site in inappropriate threads.

Thank you.

Sorry, it wasn't a critique on moderation. Rather a critique on users who can't control themselves in certain threads thus requiring mod intervention.

PS: don't be mad if I make a "mods have a thin skin" joke in the future now.
Oct 25, 2017
I believe Bigfoot exists.

I don't think it's an ape or terrestrial animal we just haven't found yet, I think it's some sort of ancient elemental or nature spirit like native peoples spoke about in their legends.


Attempt to circumvent a ban with an alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Aliens. I think the universe is teeming with life but the sheer distance that separates them is insurmountable in most cases.


Oct 25, 2017
Aliens, or at least some kind of extraterrestrial life even if it's just unicellular, is the most logical. Too many planets and solar systems for there not to be some kind of life on some other planet or moon somewhere

Actual alien stories, abductions, and anything like that are bullshit though


Oct 24, 2017
San Francisco
I don't believe we necessarily have free will. I believe we live in a largely deterministic reality and any illusions of choice are not more than the result of massive numbers of inputs, both internal and external, that we simply aren't aware of nor can we see the affects of. I believe a god would look at us like an unfathomably complex game of the Sims

I don't see how it could be anything but this. The only other option is that we make choices randomly, divorced of reason, which I don't think would be preferable.