
A King's Landing
Oct 25, 2017
Celle, Germany
Someone here said even on 0, there is still acceleration, tested it and yes, it is. :/

http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/Edge Sangral/video/42091168

It starts slow and gets faster and faster.

I don't understand the FPP hype, you always been able to hit RB and go into first person, what am I missing?

It's a whole nother game when everyone has to play in FPM. You can't look around corners anymore, nobody can, you have a much straighter view to the front instead of a easy 360 view, it plays so differently.
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
Whats the deal with the red circle?Landed in the centre of the map in Ponchiki and the safe zone was all the way to the right, but the red circle appeared on me 5 times in a row, without break. As soon as I stepped out I was blown away...


Oct 27, 2017
This is turning into pubg lite. Console specific nerfs :/. Recoil change was more egregious but this sucks too.

Any word on spaghetti monster textures that take a minute to load?



Oct 23, 2017
Whats the deal with the red circle?Landed in the centre of the map in Ponchiki and the safe zone was all the way to the right, but the red circle appeared on me 5 times in a row, without break. As soon as I stepped out I was blown away...
Luck of the draw. I've had it come up in my area a couple times in a match. It's random spots basically.

bbq of doom

Oct 25, 2017
Luck of the draw. I've had it come up in my area a couple times in a match. It's random spots basically.

I swear to all that is holy that it's around Pochinki 80% of the time lol.

This is turning into pubg lite. Console specific nerfs :/. Recoil change was more egregious but this sucks too.

Any word on spaghetti monster textures that take a minute to load?


They're trying to the bridge the gap created by a less-precise input method, that's all.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
If it's still like the PC version I'm pretty sure the red zone is random, but it always spans with at least 1 person inside of it.
Oct 26, 2017
Someone here said even on 0, there is still acceleration, tested it and yes, it is. :/

http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/Edge Sangral/video/42091168

It starts slow and gets faster and faster.
Of course they fucked it up, haha. How hard of a concept is 0?

This is turning into pubg lite. Console specific nerfs :/. Recoil change was more egregious but this sucks too.
Yeah I don't love the console specific stuff either.
Any word on spaghetti monster textures that take a minute to load?
Buddy on an OG Xbox had worse building pop-in than pre-patch the one game we played. Didn't notice much difference on X, it was fine before seems fine after.
Zero crashes for my group across a few games including some squads with vehicular mayhem. Sample size is just a little small but it seems plausible that at least some of the crashes are fixed, thank god.


Oct 27, 2017
I swear to all that is holy that it's around Pochinki 80% of the time lol.

They're trying to the bridge the gap created by a less-precise input method, that's all.
Fair enough, but if you are good on controller you can really melt someone from range. Ive been using ak47 with a 8x as a dmr. Which on pc would be a nightmare with the recoil.
Oct 26, 2017
Good patch. The aim acceleration is a game changer for me. I just easily tracked and shot someone out of a Jeep, which I couldn't do before. Still some network lagginess but it's doesn't seem as severe, but we'll see in peak hours. Otherwise, it was really smooth. I'd say it's close to the same jump we've seen in previous patches, but the aim acceleration toggle may make it feel more impactful. Playing on x.

Where did you set this to? I have it at 3 now but I'm not sure yet.

FPP is the best. Yall are in for a treat.


Also what is the best setting for deadzone? Because my stick keeps drifting slightly from 1 to 10 and higher.


Oct 27, 2017
United Kingdom
Luck of the draw. I've had it come up in my area a couple times in a match. It's random spots basically.

Certainly doesn't feel random.

I was under the impression that the circle appeared in busy areas where people were camping...hence places such as the towns.

Just seems like there's no reason to have it in the way it is.
Oct 26, 2017
First Person Perspective. Game changes, it's wonderful.

Ah yes, no more advantage of being able to see enemies if they are behind a wall or in building. No doubt it feels like a different experience.

By the way is it me or did they improve the lighting of some interiors? To me it seems to have improved lighting or maybe I shut never went into these particular houses before.


A King's Landing
Oct 25, 2017
Celle, Germany
Someone here said even on 0, there is still acceleration, tested it and yes, it is. :/

http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/Edge Sangral/video/42091168

It starts slow and gets faster and faster.

It's a whole nother game when everyone has to play in FPM. You can't look around corners anymore, nobody can, you have a much straighter view to the front instead of a easy 360 view, it plays so differently.

Oh damn, that's what someone wrote on reddit and he could be right:

I'm still at work so I haven't tested.. but everyone seems to be stating Aim Acceleration 10 = off not 0.

I.E. 10 your speed is moving at 100% right away 0= super slow start and gradual speed up



Nov 4, 2017
Ah yes, no more advantage of being able to see enemies if they are behind a wall or in building. No doubt it feels like a different experience.

By the way is it me or did they improve the lighting of some interiors? To me it seems to have improved lighting or maybe I shut never went into these particular houses before.

No the lighting and shadows seem improved to me too.

The Futurist

Oct 25, 2017
Typical, blame the player and not the game. Me and my friends have had the same issues over the last two weeks. I've seen terrible hit detection, as well as being shot through walls and that's on top of the horrendous lag that will send you off a bridge while driving, or drive you into a guard rail and glitch you into it. Every round is hit or miss in this game. You never know what you're going to get.

I also don't get how the lag could be so bad that it makes party chat lag with it. Never seen any other game do that.

Over the years, I've seen way too many people complain about shots not registering in many games. I used to feel that way sometimes myself. I stopped complaining most of the time after I started watching my own gameplay.

There are definitely problems with this game and lag and weird network issues absolutely exist. I'm not denying that at all.

We are now in an age when you can easily capture and share your clips.

I always prefer to see peoples shots and see what's actually happening. This is a shooter, but it's not COD. Recoil plays a real factor and at distant you really can't fire full auto. It's gotta be precise single shots adjusted for recoil.

Many times it's people not learning or understanding shooting mechanics. Most recently I remember people complaining about hit detection in Gears 4. That game had some issues, but the vast majority of clips people shared on the gears forums weren't of bad hit detection. They were just poor shots and as players they couldn't tell while playing. Going back and watching the clips, it was obvious.

People complaining about their hits only registering 40-50% of the time should really be sharing tons of clips of that happening. One off game or a few clips here and there are not going to convince me because I'm playing the same game and the majority of times my shots connect when they should and miss when they should.


Oct 25, 2017
Seattle, WA
Hold up, this game is using PhysX when the Xbox has an AMD card? That's dumb.
PhysX is a generic hardware-agnostic licensable API that any developer can use for any game, just like Havok and others. There's no reason not to use it on AMD hardware.

It's just that PhysX can also be simulated via hardware on NVIDIA chips, but that doesn't make it worse than Havok or other solutions on non-NVIDIA hardware for basic stuff.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
Anyone test the aim acceleration and moving it up to 10 to see if it works?

Deleted member 862

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I only played one game but the plane bit seemed better. I'm terrible with this sort of stuff because I just get used to it but before huge chunks of the map would flash in and that seems to be gone now. Still some pop in as you land but again didn't seem as bad.


Oct 28, 2017
Anyone test the aim acceleration and moving it up to 10 to see if it works?

Reddit seems to believe it does.

Can't wait to test drive this patch when I get home. Are we reinstalling the game or just letting it update?

Just tried, they're correct. Cranking up to 10 makes the game feel much better. I thought someone was odd when i dropped down to 0 and the aiming still felt spongy.

Also, the patch is like 4.46GB just like last time.


Oct 25, 2017
Wow did not expect them to add FPP so fast. I primarily play solo so while I'd like to see it added to duos and squads this is a good start for me. Takes the already tense Solo playlist and just makes it that much more tense if you ask me. I love it!


Oct 25, 2017
Just played a couple of rounds on FPP mode and the game for me seemed so much smoother, so far a good update, if it makes a difference I am playing on the X.
Running a lot smoother on me on the S too. Every time I've landed textures have actually been loaded in and getting a lot less hitching although it's still there. Have yet to have any crashes yet either. Really glad to see how quickly they've been keeping up with improving it so far. Getting better and better with each patch for sure.


Oct 28, 2017
People on the X, are you running this off the internal or an external HD? I moved the game to an external when it was having issues with GameDVR causing stuttering, but i generally move all my currently played titles to the internal.
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, England
Running a lot smoother on me on the S too. Every time I've landed textures have actually been loaded in and getting a lot less hitching although it's still there. Have yet to have any crashes yet either. Really glad to see how quickly they've been keeping up with improving it so far. Getting better and better with each patch for sure.
That's great to hear that it is running smoother on the S as well.
Oct 26, 2017
People on the X, are you running this off the internal or an external HD? I moved the game to an external when it was having issues with GameDVR causing stuttering, but i generally move all my currently played titles to the internal.
I run everything external, my internal drive is completely empty of apps and games. Though I think I read somewhere (Digital Foundry?) that the internal drive actually performed really well? I don't know the no-space slow OG Xbox drive pushed me towards externals and I've never looked back.


Oct 28, 2017
I run everything external, my internal drive is completely empty of apps and games. Though I think I read somewhere (Digital Foundry?) that the internal drive actually performed really well? I don't know the no-space slow OG Xbox drive pushed me towards externals and I've never looked back.

Correct. The DF video for the X convinced me that the internal is really fast and seemed to give the most consistent performance, which is a definite change from the S where running off an external was definitely faster.

bbq of doom

Oct 25, 2017
People on the X, are you running this off the internal or an external HD? I moved the game to an external when it was having issues with GameDVR causing stuttering, but i generally move all my currently played titles to the internal.

I'm running this--and only this--on the internal. Everything else is on the external, exclusive of some apps.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm excited to try the new changes! Hope there's a noticeable improvement in performance and aiming!


Oct 25, 2017
Can they not just make it so wherever the safe circles spawn once the game has a low amount of people left alive, the circle gets placed in areas with lots of buildings? That way, vehicles won't be a problem because you can't drive them. I had two games yesterday where the circles once there were about 20 people left or so, were around areas with lots of buildings. The military base was one, the other were some apartments IIRC. The final gunfights were so much better. Moving from building to building while squad mates covered in various directions, so much more tactical than drive to white circle, go prone and hope no one saw you.

The tense firefights inside of houses/buildings are the best in the game anyway, imho. On Saturday I played a squad match and found a shotgun in a house, an entire squad came into my house as I was on the roof and one by one they tried to come up and we had awesome firefights and I wiped them all out. The only downside is a small circle around buildings would make long range weapons not as useful in the final stages. But I'll take that over the end game turning into Twisted Metal.


Oct 25, 2017
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
It's better if it's always random. Be prepared for whatever final circle arrives, or get lucky ;D

While I like the urban warfare with cover everywhere, my favorite circles are the ones with 3 or 4 left, lying in the grass, waiting for someone to fuck up first.

Having cars take more damage makes the most sense, currently.


Oct 25, 2017
Whats the deal with the red circle?Landed in the centre of the map in Ponchiki and the safe zone was all the way to the right, but the red circle appeared on me 5 times in a row, without break. As soon as I stepped out I was blown away...
It also means that there's people around that zone

Deleted member 2254

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
So apparently according to a lot of people in here I need tons of videos to prove the shooting is wonky when just about every player (many in this threar) and reviewer noticed the framerate issues, the aiming problems, the lag and the tickrates make shooting far from ideal. Because apparently if between lag and 15fps not all my shots are headshots must mean I suck. Great to know you guys have perfect 60fps experience with perfect shooting but many of us aren't. I love the game but denying its faults is pointless.