Deleted member 5086

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
A bit late on the moderation issue, since I was trying to work out where I stood on it. I don't report that much, in my opinion anyway, but I have found that most of the time it results in a warning or ban. I think warnings and temp bans tend to serve as a guide for others on what is or isn't tolerated in a thread and the forum as a whole (for most, anyway), unless it's a very heated and fast moving discussion. But honestly, even on the old forum where perma bans were frequent and came even without prior offenses, those kind of threads tend to continue to get low quality and inflammatory/offensive posts either way (see the recent Pewdiepie controversy which resulted in a never ending graveyard). So first of all I'd like to thank the moderators for being pretty quick in responding to reports, and trying their best to maintain a welcoming forum. With a forum as active as this one, I know it isn't easy.

However, while I understand that finding a balance between being too heavy handed with moderation and being fair while not giving too much leeway is hard, I do wish things were a bit more strict when it came to repeat offenders. I don't see why people who have made their intentions clear with repeat offenses should simply get a slightly longer ban. Those kind of people don't deserve a platform, in my humble opinion, particularly when they make it clear they only post in these threads to spread their agenda and dismiss the concerns of others, instead of participating in an open dialogue. It's to the point where I see several familiar faces in threads that deal with progressive issues, and though they have gotten one or several bans, they continue their antics. It makes it an uncomfortable place for women and minorities to discuss, and I think it's gotten to the point where I no longer have the desire or energy to post in these threads. It's disheartening that even on Era it feels like a big boys club over on the gaming side, and as things currently stand, that won't be changing any time soon. But it's good to see this is a process that is still being worked out, so I hope to see things improve in the future. Thanks once again for your hard work!
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I shed
Oct 25, 2017
Speaking of moderation... a honest to god Pizzagater was banned for only 3 days. What positives will this person bring to this forum that he be allowed back on to post again? I can't wait.


Oct 25, 2017
A bit late but now that I can type coherently Happy New Year everyone!

Hecht Thank you very much for the reply, my apologies if I sounded overly critical of the mod team as I know many have spoken and are working very hard so I didn't mean to imply otherwise. That is nice to hear that theirs discussions about toeing the line.

spider Spiders may scare me be you are a good arachnid!

Thank you! I'm not too worried about it yet, especially because there's no point in stressing before we have more information. I just feel bad because she had a bunch of health problems this year. Her back had her immobile for a few weeks in March, and we still don't know exactly what was wrong because of our insurance. (It's a long story, like it always is with insurance...) So hopefully we can get everything settled and no more problems!

Your welcome! ^_^ Yeah, as a worrier myself (to near paranoia levels at times) it certainly doesn't help and takes a toll of you mentally, emotionally and physically. Sorry to hear about that and yeah insurance can be a real pain with many things =/ Will be wishing you both all the best! -hugs-


Oct 25, 2017
I can't believe that's a real thing..... I heard the name in the past but I assumed it was just a joke.... ugh...


Oct 25, 2017
Shit like this would have been locked on the old site. Here? 10 pages. Getting real tired of this shit.

Deleted member 5086

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I don't even know what to say in response to that thread.


Deleted member 5086

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Against my better judgement, I read through that whole thread. Some of the posts were outright defending sexualising child/child-like characters just because they're fictional ("You do know anime isn't real, right?") and only one person got banned on the very last page. Then you have others calling kiddy characters their waifus. The entire subject was just treated like a joke after the first couple of pages. I have no idea why that was allowed to go on for as long as it did.


Oct 25, 2017
Against my better judgement, I read through that whole thread. Some of the posts were outright defending sexualising child/child-like characters just because they're fictional ("You do know anime isn't real, right?") and only one person got banned on the very last page. Then you have others calling kiddy characters their waifus. The entire subject was just treated like a joke after the first couple of pages. I have no idea why that was allowed to go on for as long as it did.
Hoping Hecht, who posted here and closed the thread, can work on getting the mod/admin team on board with being a little more aggressive. It's getting to be a bit too much and it's really turning me off to this forum.

Deleted member 5086

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Hoping Hecht, who posted here and closed the thread, can work on getting the mod/admin team on board with being a little more aggressive. It's getting to be a bit too much and it's really turning me off to this forum.

I hope so, too. Because if this is the stance of the forum:

We're not going to entertain discussion or defense of content sexualizing under aged children, whether real or fictional.

then I hope even subtle or joke defenses aren't tolerated. There's nothing funny about normalising pedophilia or sexualising children. A user even tried to deflect, by saying the people who demonise lolicon shit are probably pedophiles themselves (by referencing a certain user on the old forum).


Oct 31, 2017
*Reads the first page of the men and feminism page*
You know what, page two and beyond can stay a mystery to me.


The Old Guard
Oct 24, 2017
Hey REgals,

While we appreciate y'all keeping us on our toes and accountable, such concerns should be voiced in PMs to moderators or admins.

If you see a post that you think is problematic, or if you have concerns about a ban length, please report that post in question. I assure we look at and review all reports. It's not productive or helpful to simply sit back and complain about these things without bringing them to our attention.

Future discussion here on the moderation practices of this forum will be seen as back-seat moderating and dealt with accordingly. There are plenty of acceptable avenues of you to raise concerns to the staff, but turning this thread into metacommentary is not one of them.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out. Thanks y'all. Happy New Year.
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Deleted member 5086

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
SweetNicole Sorry if my posts came across as disrespectful or backseat modding. I'll PM an admin or moderator in the future. Even if I have concerns about certain issues, I appreciate the work that you all do here a lot.


Oct 25, 2017
newport beach, CA
Oh shoot. Best practices in my experience are to look up reviews for the hair dye you want to purchase. There are usually loads of people online who are more than happy to share their experiences with it. What color it actually ends up being, how messy it is, how quickly it fades, best care practices, et cetera.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm finding that I have a deep distrust of people who worship and defend comedians...

I mentioned it elsewhere and why I know just about nothing about Chappelle I'm stunned at the amount of people who seem to be unable to handle any criticism whatsoever towards him and attack others. Some of the comments really feel like cult worship...


Oct 25, 2017
It's probably a reaction to finding joy from someone's comedy, only for the comedian to be associated with something negative, that the fans feel somewhat attacked indirectly. So the natural first response is to defend the thing that they like even if it makes them looks bad. Same with anything somebody likes.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Or they know their own underlying opinions are poor, and they are really defending themselves.


Oct 25, 2017
Dave Chappelle was huge for a whole generation of boys during their adolescents. When I was a freshman in college he was huge and you couldn't go anywhere without some dude quoting at least one of his skits. I haven't spent a ton of time in the thread, but I'm sure for a lot of people there's a dose of nostalgia coming into play which makes people even less open to criticism.


Oct 25, 2017
newport beach, CA
The sad part of that thread to me is how many of them clearly haven't actually watched the special but just want to be in the conversation to save the reputation of guy they like or put down oversensitive women or whatever lame goal they have. A lot of "I bet it's not even that bad" and replying to downplayers with "I figured people were being too sensitive / out of context"

It's like people think we have a problem with just one specific line of his instead of Dave's entire demeanor. He ends the first special with "so I kicked her in the pussy" for fucks sake.


Oct 25, 2017
Hi! This is my first post in this thread...I'm kind of bad at conversation but I figured I would say hello. Have any of you ever dyed your hair? I'm thinking about dip-dyeing blue or purple so it would look something like this:


But I've never done it before.


Oct 25, 2017
newport beach, CA
Hi! This is my first post in this thread...I'm kind of bad at conversation but I figured I would say hello. Have any of you ever dyed your hair? I'm thinking about dip-dyeing blue or purple so it would look something like this:


But I've never done it before.
Hi! :)

this is me with my current hair color

if you're starting from a deep brunette, you'll need to bleach any part that you want to be a vibrant color. My hair is dyed bleach blonde without the dye, then it's cobalt and teal dyes applied. If you just dip brunette hair in dye then it has a bit of tint from that color but is still largely brown/black in tone.


Oct 25, 2017
Hi! This is my first post in this thread...I'm kind of bad at conversation but I figured I would say hello. Have any of you ever dyed your hair? I'm thinking about dip-dyeing blue or purple so it would look something like this:


But I've never done it before.

Hello! Welcome! I actually had my hair (natural dark brown hair like that image) dyed blonde last June. I also had my tips, like your image has, dyed pink. Like Sabrina said they had to bleach the hair first before applying the pink dye. I had my hair redyed last October and was able to get the blonde the shade I wanted but couldn't be done in a single session. I chose not to opt for pink tips again but it probably would have taken a second application as well to get the shade of pink I wanted as the shade I had in June was a more reddish pink.


Oct 25, 2017
Thanks for the tips, ironically I hate drawing attention to myself but I feel like shaking things up a bit.


Oct 25, 2017
newport beach, CA
Do you go to a salon with frequency, or have the same hairstylist? I'm sure she'd love to talk about hair color options with you.

When I've colored my own hair using a product like Overtone, it doesn't last that long. Maybe a week or two before I want to re-color it. Three weeks if I'm pushing it. But if you use salon quality dye (I'm currently using Framesi) then you should get something that holds for months. I'm on week six of my current dye job and it basically looks the same as day one. Salon-quality dyes have different retail and wholesale prices, so unless you get a good hookup then it might be a lot more expensive. I went through a $35 tub of Overtone in two or three applications, so about a month and a half. I have $20 of Framesi dyes in my hair, but I paid wholesale flat because my roommate has a cosmetology license and applied it for me. If she had charged me market rate I probably would have paid $80-150 for the same application. But that's also the price for an entire head of application, which is a ton for me. You won't need as much time and dye with just the tips. But bleaching is another process that takes time, which I didn't need my roommate to do.

Talk to a hairstylist if you can :P


Gotham's Finest
Oct 28, 2017
Hi! This is my first post in this thread...I'm kind of bad at conversation but I figured I would say hello. Have any of you ever dyed your hair? I'm thinking about dip-dyeing blue or purple so it would look something like this:

But I've never done it before.
Hello, welcome!

I dyed my hair blonde in high school once, but I don't think that was the right look for me lol.


Gotham's Finest
Oct 28, 2017
aww, I bet it looked great. Do you have any pics?
I think it went very, very light, so I just looked kinda funny lol. Also, I'm not sure, this was like 15 years ago or something. I remember my mum took a photo of me, but I can't find it these days, hopefully it turns up again at some point. I wouldn't mind having a good laugh at it.