
Oct 25, 2017
Airborne Aquarium
Wow at the confessor doing 9 hour faps/weed marathons.
I'd have thought 9 hours of edging would snap your dick in half, and you're doing it every day.

It's almost impressive lol


Oct 27, 2017
i fucking love this thread so much, best month of the year, my birthday and confessions.

Kink guy, you literally just said you punch women in the ribs, i think this is going too far, kink or not

Fap guy, cumon man, get a grip


Oct 27, 2017
I'll confess something. I'm less then a year removed from leaving the religious cult I spent my entire life in, Jehovah's Witnesses, Its been incredibly difficult mentally, but I'm not afraid to say it publicly anymore and maybe one more voice espousing the dangers of this group could help someone who is still trapped in the cult.

Night Hunter

Dec 5, 2017
I'll confess something. I'm less then a year removed from leaving the religious cult I spent my entire life in, Jehovah's Witnesses, Its been incredibly difficult mentally, but I'm not afraid to say it publicly anymore and maybe one more voice espousing the dangers of this group could help someone who is still trapped in the cult.

Good Luck! I'm rooting for you!


Oct 25, 2017
I want to say how can we get darker then potential sibling rape but then I realize last confession or so we had a guy emotionally get his brothers girlfriend comitted to him and fucked her and made he rhave several abortions until his brother wanted a son and then told her to act like it was his.

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Oct 25, 2017
Kinster, what the fuck.

Okay man, like I love BDSM and power dynamics and mind games but...

I'm so much in "what the fuck" mode.

But the rules are (or should be):
1) Never do damage they don't agree to or aware can happen beforehand, and never "too much" (decided by the first beforehand)
2) Never fuck with people in other relationships, unless both parties know it's an open one
3) Consent

The fuck


Oct 25, 2017
Kinster, what the fuck.

Okay man, like I love BDSM and power dynamics and mind games but...

I'm so much in "what the fuck" mode.

But the rules are (or should be):
1) Never do damage they don't agree to or aware can happen beforehand, and never "too much" (decided by the first beforehand)
2) Never fuck with people in other relationships, unless both parties know it's an open one
3) Consent

The fuck

This so much.

You are hurting/damaging people, confessor.

That power dynamic part is so fucked.
Oct 26, 2017
So last year the theme seemed to be workplace romances IIRC. This year seems to be much darker in terms of the sexual confessions. Some of these are hard to read.

Having a hard time believing some of those tbh. Esp the one that is a NEET, does nothing all day but smoke weed and masturbate and somehow his mom pays for everything and he got a fiance ? Right.

The fiance part I found a little hard to believe at first, but parents supporting kids financially when they have terrible habits is nothing new. There are countless parents out there who foot the bill for their kids' addictions. The fiance part seemed a little odd, but my guess is this is a high school sweetheart who has never been with anyone else. She likely just accepts it for what it is and thinks that loving someone means putting up with whatever they do.

Kinster, what the fuck.

Okay man, like I love BDSM and power dynamics and mind games but...

I'm so much in "what the fuck" mode.

But the rules are (or should be):
1) Never do damage they don't agree to or aware can happen beforehand, and never "too much" (decided by the first beforehand)
2) Never fuck with people in other relationships, unless both parties know it's an open one
3) Consent

The fuck

Yeah, that confession really seems to be more rape than actual consensual sex. I'm all for experimenting among consenting adults. But this guy has had sex with an unconscious body, given unwanted bruises/black eyes, and had people crying afterwards. This is fucked up, man.
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Oct 25, 2017
Kinkster is bad and you should feel bad. Stop justifying and leveraging everything to make you feel better.

That trigger warning one though..... Oh boy and

Like that is not normal but I'm glad you're doing a lot of things to atone for it.

Fucking your friend who is "dating" a guy who is dealing with depression? You're both fucked up and shouldn't have done it. If she wasn't feeling happy then she should have ended it.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, the black eye was the warning sign that there was more to the initial confession...

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017

Ok man, here is the deal: Imagine if your girlfriend cheated on you with another guy, and both she and the guy don't regret it because they do not respect you.

You should feel bad. SHE SHOULD FEEL BAD.

Basically, she should end that relationship.
confessor you're probably just making your friend's depression worse. congratulations?
Real talk Rough Kinkfessor is a sociopath and a borderline rapist with how he likes to have "leverage" over people and man I think he's a piece of shit.

Just my two cents.
yeah seriously. this is not something to be proud about. this is not healthy dom/sub kink. if the world was fair this confessor would end up in prison


Oct 25, 2017
I agree. For me the Kinkfession was the worst of all. Even worse that the almost sister rapist. At least that guy realized how wrong he was.


Oct 25, 2017
I'll be posting more in a few. Trying to decide if to only post nice ones or keep the dark ages going...


Oct 25, 2017
Wait what counts as a "nice" confession?

"I decided to only burn the church not kill the people in it?"


Oct 25, 2017
Lighthearted night today:

There is a girl I work with. Who I am pretty close with, she is 5 years older than me. Months ago we went out on a holiday drank all day and spent the night dancing. We never talked about it.

Fast forward 1 month later, she is dating another co-worker. He's relatively junior and I find him incredibly annoying. Really though he's the worst. So after this we still hang out get drunk together and then another night somehow she is laying in my lap while we talk and everyone else is passed out. We got a little handsy, or I did. Though I asked and she said she didn't mind.

Next day I feel like shit, and I'm realizing she reminds me of a toxic relationship I was in in college. So I started hanging out less and less with her, not because I disliked her but because I have put aside being the person who is always there for someone.

Fast forward a month or so, haven't really talked to her outside of when she needed help on some work projects. Then I am out with the co-workers one night, she shows up. Her boyfriend breaks up with her, we spend the entire night talking and I wind up at her place.

We drink shitty tequila and listen to music while our other drunk co-worker was passed out on her bedroom couch.Somehow we wind up on her living room couch spoon while I hold her. Fast forward an hour or two and she gets up and asks if I want to go to bed.

Other co-worker is still passed out on the floor.

So we get into bed, most comfortable bed I've ever been in, felt like heaven. She strips down to her panties, and at first I kept my clothes on but she was pushing up against my back so I stripped down to. So the night turns into the morning co-worker wakes up and calls an uber. Her and I were still awake the whole night and she ordered us food which we ate in bed.

Next week she gets back with her boyfriend. She still messages me constantly, and gives me furtive looks in the office. I want to end this but I can't her and I went out for my birthday together and I got severely wasted and told her maybe we shouldn't hang out anymore.

She stormed out and messaged to go smash my face, because she doesn't want to be ignored by me again.

So I don't know what the fuck is going on. I always have bad choice in women though, she even told me herself that I do while we were lying in bed. Oh, well.

I don't really care about the boyfriend, he is an ass, so no guilt there and everyone in the office thinks we've had sex anyways so I'm not worried on that front either.

I just felt like getting this off my chest, thanks for listening ERA.


1. Seems she trusts you
2. Seems she wanted you
3. Seems you didn't take her up on that when she offered, because you didn't take the next step while she waited
4. She went back to the old because at least it was something
5. Maybe I am wrong, but it seems she feels rejected by you
6. Do I need to spell it out?


Oct 25, 2017
I'm going through a drastic change in my life right now (in a good, exciting way).

I've met a girl, and we're both in a newly formed friend group.
We get to talk every other day or so.
She's very nice... I feel like I'm developing a small crush, perhaps.
We have common interests and get along very well.

Here's the thing, though.
Even though I want to be in one, I don't think I'd be a good partner in a relationship.
I've realized that I tend to zone out when listening to people, and I take many, many things for granted. I'm not a good friend. I'm also nowhere as responsible or dependable as I'd like to be.

There's also some personal stuff I need to sort out-- some fetishes I enjoy in fictional stuff bother me (things that'd be harmful in real life situations) and even though I'd never subject an actual person to the discomfort these things I enjoy may cause, I'd like to sort those out before I get intimate with someone. (I might see a therapist, one of these days... To clarify: I'm not a pedo or anything like that.)

All in all, due to the fact that I'm rather immature, self centered and possibly a degenerate, I mustn't seek a romantic relationship right now.
(also...being a very sexual (horny) person while having a micropenis doesn't help lol)

So I wouldn't do justice to any partner I might have. So I won't bring it up with her anytime soon.

But it still feels amazing to be talking to and spending time with someone I might be slowly falling in love with. I just cherish her company whenever I talk to her, be it about books or video games or the things that make us want to scream endlessly into the night everyday in frustration, and I hope I'll someday be someone she can depend on.

I just wanted to write that out. And in writing it out I think I might be more infatuated with this person than I realized.

TL;DR: I'm a bad person who'd be a bad boyfriend but I might be falling for someone and I cherish the experience


Dude, just try it. Like others have said, magic happens with more than just the D. Be upfront with her that it would be your first relationship and see how it goes.


Oct 25, 2017
Okay friends GIFs and people just not making the moves for realationships? Bah humbug, I didn't want to feel all cutesy
then angered by nonmonica/chandler gif choice


Oct 25, 2017
Lighthearted night today:


1. Seems she trusts you
2. Seems she wanted you
3. Seems you didn't take her up on that when she offered, because you didn't take the next step while she waited
4. She went back to the old because at least it was something
5. Maybe I am wrong, but it seems she feels rejected by you
6. Do I need to spell it out?
This is quite a workplace.


Oct 25, 2017
I just hope blame space is okay.

For those not in the know, he's been a great part of this community for years and one of the most fun people on ERA. He made a thread about being in the ER and having no insurance quite a while ago, and we've had no updates for months.

I'm just worried. If you're reading this from somewhere blame space: we miss you, dude.

I hope he is doing alright. Also, never forget:





Oct 25, 2017
Okay friends GIFs and people just not making the moves for realationships? Bah humbug, I didn't want to feel all cutesy
then angered by nonmonica/chandler gif choice

Chandler and Monica was always the second best relationship in that series.


AAAAnndd Day 6 is done. Carry on ladies and gents!


Dec 6, 2017
I just want everyone to know that I am very much available to fulfill your deepest, darkest fantasies about giving your money to strangers in exchange for nothing at all.

PM me.


Oct 27, 2017
What the Kink guy that hits women is not counting on is someone just as fucked up as he is of the female gender coming into his life. It is only a matter of time...


Karma is a bitch and you have a lot coming your way.


Oct 25, 2017
To the co-worker guy from the last batch of confessions: you are rejecting her, or at least she see things that way. That is way she is always keeping worse guys around. You lost a really good opportunity in that bed (to express yourself, no other thing).

Well, the way I see you have three paths:
1 - take her off from your life (since you both are not happy in this situation).
2 - approach her, talker to her, try something. Be honest. Two possible outcomes:
a) she rejects you, you go back to option 1
b) you start something, may be entering a good relationship.

See? The worst thing you already have, nothing to loose, stop torturing yourself.


Oct 29, 2017
The Clit is outside the vaginal opening guys.

As a woman, I can honestly say some doesn't matter. Enough foreplay and I go off like a rocket with just a bit a grinding. That's zero penetration.

L2foreplay, you'll do fine

I legit Lol'd at the clit comment. I was confused about my own anatomy for a second.

Yeah, the original poster meant cervix I think, lol.


Oct 25, 2017
Elf Tower, New Mexico
I legit Lol'd at the clit comment. I was confused about my own anatomy for a second.

Yeah, the original poster meant cervix I think, lol.

The...cervix is at the other end of the vaginal canal. It's what separates the vaginal canal and the uterus. If your hitting that, you might be going too hard/deep :/

Hes likely referring to the fact that most women are more sensitive only an inch or two into the vaginal canal.

Source: having a cervix

This has been another episode of sex ed with Fiction.

Heroin Cat

Oct 27, 2017
New Zealand
The...cervix is at the other end of the vaginal canal. It's what separates the vaginal canal and the uterus. If your hitting that, you might be going too hard/deep :/

Hes likely referring to the fact that most women are more sensitive only an inch or two into the vaginal canal.

Source: having a cervix

This has been another episode of sex ed with Fiction.
That's the end? I have so many questions!

Here's a conspiracy theory. Confessor 2 today (wondering if he'll be a good partner) is the micro confessor from the other day. But that's tame. I also think he's the past version of Kinkfessor, who only has fetishes at this point in time. Any advice to be too confident will make him too powerful for regular morality to hold him. We must be vigilant and save the world from Kinkfessor!

Rand a. Thor

Oct 31, 2017
Most guys here probably don't know how to locate their prostate with a finger up their ass and you want them to know the anatomy of a vagina?


Oct 25, 2017
This has been another episode of sex ed with Fiction.

Always nice to read your posts, well centered and this forum (old place needed even more) can always use more of women perspective (for every matter).

I was quite surprised with some reactions about the topic in question, was reading them as sarcasm. Better clarify the theme anyway, good job.

Most guys here probably don't know how to locate their prostate with a finger up their ass and you want them to know the anatomy of a vagina?

Like... you are not interested on that?? Those things are the first I learned back in my early days with women (early twenties, I am 46 now). And as Fiction said, it pays off.

Plus I believe most men would not know about prostate things until much later in their life when those things become more important.


Oct 25, 2017
Elf Tower, New Mexico
Always nice to read your posts, well centered and this forum (old place needed even more) can always use more of women perspective (for every matter).

I was quite surprised with some reactions about the topic in question, was reading them as sarcasm. Better clarify the theme anyway, good job.

Like... you are not interested on that?? Those things are the first I learned back in my early days with women (early twenties, I am 46 now). And as Fiction said, it pays off.

Plus I believe most men would not know about prostate things until much later in their life when those things become more important.

I think we need another diagram.


Rand a. Thor

Oct 31, 2017
Always nice to read your posts, well centered and this forum (old place needed even more) can always use more of women perspective (for every matter).

I was quite surprised with some reactions about the topic in question, was reading them as sarcasm. Better clarify the theme anyway, good job.

Like... you are not interested on that?? Those things are the first I learned back in my early days with women (early twenties, I am 46 now). And as Fiction said, it pays off.

Plus I believe most men would not know about prostate things until much later in their life when those things become more important.
Oh no don't get me wrong, I am very interested and we had proper sex ed with diagrams and everything back when I was a teen, so I know my way around. Just a small joke is all.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
I honestly think Rough Kinkfessor is trying to be Dennis Reynolds. Guy's got a system and everything.