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Dec 3, 2017
I see God Of War is getting the post-hype BOTW/Witcher 3 treatment. Welcome to the big boys club, Kratos.


Nov 3, 2017
literally all over this thread, with people trying to claim that he didn't play the game, or by derailling it - which i'm about to do if I don't stop with this, so that's my last post on that matter
I'm not even a great fan of the new GOW but personally I don't get it absolutely his criticism because GOW seems far from to be the example of what is wrong to the AAA games of this generation. Maybe that's why a lot of people appears "outraged" in their post and they are rude. But without offense, your tone isn't it exactly less rude to their.


Oct 25, 2017
They should definitely improve the loot system and the next game hopefully has a lot of amazing boss fights. It does deserve all the reviews though, it's a fantastic game.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
So, an open world game.


In both Zelda and Skyrim, after the tutorial you can start to go wherever you want and start which ever quest you encounter.

For exemple the big quests in Zelda are first to acquire the power from the former champions. You can do that whichever way you see fit or not do them at all. Likewise in Skyrim the big storyline is divided. You can either go for the whole dragonborn thing, do the civil war quest or any number of guild quests or not at all. In a standard open world game, you have side activities and quests which unlocks by ending the previous quests. That's not the design philosophy of either Skyrim or BOTW;


Nov 20, 2017
The sony template is pushing a little too far but I agree with OP. The game just compiles every AAA games from the last decade without question and that worries me.
Apr 16, 2018
I've gotta admit it's a bit deflating seeing Sony's primary audience all hitting their 30s/40s and Sony, naturally, doing their hardest to pander to them: all of their characters are becoming old, they all have a bond with some kid, and are the centre of a "mature story".

It's becoming depressingly boring, and the stories often aren't even that good. Nintendo tried the same with Mario Sunshine, and luckily, never did it again.

It sounds like you don't play many Sony games.


Nov 2, 2017
I love the Sony Games Template tbh. Love that style of gorgeous involving cinematic title.

Sorry OP, just isn't for you


You know what that means
Oct 25, 2017
I'm so glad there are more opinions of this game surfacing that it merely takes from every popular AAA game of the past decade and ends up with no identity of its own. (apart from "BOY" memes) Felt like I was taking crazy pills for a while there. That part where you get the Bethesda mission marker added to your HUD... I laughed out loud.


Jun 1, 2018
You just gotta know your own taste and not buy things on review scores if you dont like the genre. I still wouldnt buy a 10/10 Pokémon or CoD because those games arent my jam, but Id buy a 6/10 dark souls without thinking twice about it.
Oct 25, 2017
There are a TON of people who play Fifa and CoD and maybe 2-3 other games a year, one of which is probably a GaaS from 3 years ago or so.
They don't suffer from from 3rd person Sony-feel games fatigue, let them have their fun, it mustn't all be for you, OP.

However, I too wish Sony would have something that feels fresh gameplay-wise (story-wise Sony has really kept up with the innovations people asked for, unlike Microsoft imo).
I wished Sony (and Microsoft too) would chase a BIG out-of-nowhere hit that's based in different/new GAMEPLAY like Dark Souls, like X-COM (2012), the next VATs from Fallout, the next Max Payne 1 bullet-time moment or the Half-Life 2 gravity-gun (when the realistic 3D object physics felt super innovative).


Oct 26, 2017
I understand that not every likes these types of games but how is menu and rpg low elements complicated?

You have 2 ruin slots for each weapon and an ability slot in armour section. Some armour have enchantments slots and that's it. What's so complicated about that?

Skill tree is also very simple and unlock moves just like previous games.

Deleted member 2809

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Fuck sake, do we need more garbage shitposts ?


Oct 27, 2017
It's like every opinion you have is the opposite to mine. People like different things, this isn't your bag.

If you're wanting every game you play to be completely different from every other game, you're going to run out of games fast.
Oct 27, 2017
Don't omit the key words out. He said the community doesn't accept well reasoned and well written opinions.

He said that no matter if the opinion is well reasoned and well written or not, this community doesn't easily accept it. That's true. I read many times well reasoned and written opinions that were quickly dismissed because they were considered "controversial".
Oct 26, 2017
Mushroom Kingdom
it's pretty funny to see how many people can get mad just by seeing the repost of a years-old meme that is circulating everywhere on twitter/facebook and taking that occasion to just ignore the legit arguments from the OP

lmao who do you think you are to decide what is worth being on era or not

I've learned that lesson before... Including a tired, dumb meme will usually overshadow any legit arguments on the internet.

So if I remove the pic, you can just focus on the text right ?

Well, probably.

You lost me at that too.

Complaining about the camera, and using that template as an example didn't help your arguments for the game. Especially when its gotten so much praise for raising the bar/pioneering the use of camera and cinematography in the medium.


Oct 25, 2017
who cares ? arguments are still there, no matter how someone can be mad about a meme

well look, someone doesn't think that way, wouldn't it be wonderful to confront opinions to understand someone's else perspective and see why it does make sense for them
I think posting a meme pic while trying to make a legit argument makes it really hard for me to take that poster seriously.
Oct 28, 2017
I understand that not every likes these types of games but how is menu and rpg low elements complicated?

You have 2 ruin slots for each weapon and an ability slot in armour section. Some armour have enchantments slots and that's it. What's so complicated about that?

Skill tree is also very simple and unlock moves just like previous games.
It's not that complicated, but you're constantly getting new gear all the time and it leads to going back and forth in to the menu to compare your stats and decide what to equip. It's needlessly tedious and there's simply way too much time spent in menus.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I'm so glad there are more opinions of this game surfacing that it merely takes from every popular AAA game of the past decade and ends up with no identity of its own. (apart from "BOY" memes) Felt like I was taking crazy pills for a while there. That part where you get the Bethesda mission marker added to your HUD... I laughed out loud.

Can you expend on that?

What makes GOW particularly different from other games in regards to taking things from over popular games?


Jun 23, 2018
I love the Sony Games Template tbh. Love that style of gorgeous involving cinematic title.

Sorry OP, just isn't for you

Sony studios are just good at making third person action games with a narrative focus. A lot of publishers have a preferred genre.

I heavily disagree that GoW is just combining AAA SP trends. It isn't full open world, doesn't do GaaS, is a full experience that isn't trying to be a service and has straightforward monetisation. It is basically the game EA thinks the industry can not support anymore.
Oct 25, 2017
He said that no matter if the opinion is well reasoned and well written or not, this community doesn't easily accept it. That's true. I read many times well reasoned and written opinions that were quickly dismissed because they were considered "controversial".

He actually didn't say that. Read the post again. He said whether you agree with it or not.


Oct 27, 2017
If only a well written and reasoned opinion was presented in the OP...

Did you even read it?
What is that even for a question? Do you just accuse me of not reading the topic my reply is about for no reason? Why do offensive?

He's making valid arguments. I can see where he is coming from. I only agree in certain parts, but I can still accept his point of view. This doesn't mean he is wrong or whatever.

There is no doubt God of War is basically a collection of aspects this industry learned - especially Sony WWS - in the last 10 years. Which is also why God of War isn't doing anything for me personally, I'm simply tired of singleplayer cinematic third-person experiences. This doesn't change the fact that I can greatly appreciate and accept that this game objectively is a masterpiece for many - and that's okay. Just like it should be for people not liking the game.


Oct 28, 2017
After seemingly 80 entries (I know I'm being greatly hyperbolic here), I'm glad the God of War series freshened things up with new gameplay systems and a new structure. I understand those who wanted non-stop action similar to the original games would find disappointment with this one, but the series needed to change and I think it changed for the better.

Fuck sake, do we need more garbage shitposts ?

Yeah, not a good look for a verified PlayStation EU employee to post a GIF probably not even one minute after that big opening post was made. Different standards for different posters, I guess?

(Edited actual post relating to topic.)
Last edited:


Oct 28, 2017
Did nobody else notice that the camera angle in God of War is a cinematic decision? The camera, never, not even once, cuts away from Kratos' perspective or the action he is experiencing on screen. No loading screen, no scene transitions, the entire game is one fixed shot that never cuts away from the action the moment you start the game until after the credits roll. Something like that isn't viable with a top down perspective like the old games. How can you even compare that to other Sony games?


Oct 26, 2017
It's not that complicated, but you're constantly getting new gear all the time and it leads to going back and forth in to the menu to compare your stats and decide what to equip. It's needlessly tedious and there's simply way too much time spent in menus.
Personally I felt that it had perfect amount of gear. I was able to play for long stretches of game without having to work about armour. Also it color codes armour based on rarity making it also more easier.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
The game is too slow for me. I loved all the other GoW games before. They had better pacing.

Agree. God of War has borrowed from so many popular games, that it feels lost in its open-world/Last of Us/RPG ways... I feel it's too much and lacks focus to be brilliant and memorable. Why they even decided to include (and not include) certain realms is beyond me. Two of them clearly showcase cut corners (Niflheim and Muspelheim) which do nothing for the game.

The game is good but not great. I'd put God of War 2 and 3 even above it in terms of the series.

Deleted member 37739

User requested account closure
Jan 8, 2018
Yeah, not a good look for a verified PlayStation EU employee to post a GIF probably not even one minute after that big opening post was made. Different standards for different posters, I guess?

Just a little friendly banter - perhaps not to everyone's taste, I appreciate. OP iterates his points well enough, though, it's not really my place to agree or disagree on that.
Oct 28, 2017
Agree. God of War has borrowed from so many popular games, that it feels lost in its open-world/Last of Us/RPG ways... I feel it's too much and lacks focus to be brilliant and memorable. Why they even decided to include (and not include) certain realms is beyond me. Two of them clearly showcase cut corners (Niflheim and Muspelheim) which do nothing for the game.

The game is good but not great. I'd put God of War 2 and 3 even above it in terms of the series.
For me I'd put it on the low end of the series. Better than GOW1 and Chains of Olympus, but yeah I rank 2, 3 Ascension and Ghost of Sparta higher.
Oct 27, 2017
Sony studios are just good at making third person action games with a narrative focus. A lot of publishers have a preferred genre.

I heavily disagree that GoW is just combining AAA SP trends. It isn't full open world, doesn't do GaaS, is a full experience that isn't trying to be a service and has straightforward monetisation. It is basically the game EA thinks the industry can not support anymore.
Could you elaborate a little more on this? What AAA single player (not multiplayer, because you explicitly specified single player, as did the OP) games are going with a non-standard monetisation strategy? The series did shift towards an open world with RPG elements which is certainly a trend in modern single player games (one only needs to look at the previous entries in the series to see the difference in the world design), and the particular camera angle used by God of War is one which has become increasingly common among Sony exclusives (primarily Naughty Dog as the OP indicates). The OP hasn't really done much else to support the claim that it combines that many AAA single player trends (as that's really all which is addressed in the OP combined with why the OP feels they are negatives for the game), but at least personally I don't think any of the bolded is a single player trend as much as they are multiplayer trends.
Oct 25, 2017
What is that even for a question? Do you just accuse me of not reading the topic my reply is about for no reason? Why do offensive?

He's making valid arguments. I can see where he is coming from. I only agree in certain parts, but I can still accept his point of view. This doesn't mean he is wrong or whatever.

There is no doubt God of War is basically a collection of aspects this industry learned - especially Sony WWS - in the last 10 years. Which is also why God of War isn't doing anything for me personally, I'm simply tired of singleplayer cinematic third-person experiences. This doesn't change the fact that I can greatly appreciate and accept that this game objectively is a masterpiece for many - and that's okay. Just like it should be for people not liking the game.

Because if you've played the game, you know he's clearly misstating things? You don't get armor every 30 minutes and especially not better armor since most sets provide different stats (cooldown vs strength). The majority of loot you get is either weapon runes, abilities or specific upgrade material. That doesn't jive at all with what he said.

Same with the invisible walls bit. Sure the game has them like every game. But he makes them sound plentiful when that isnt the case at all.

And Atreus sounding like he reads 9gag... come on.


Oct 28, 2017
Just a little friendly banter - perhaps not to everyone's taste, I appreciate. OP iterates his points well enough, though, it's not really my place to agree or disagree on that.

I don't mean to pick on you, either. I thought it was funny, but I think ERA just needs better standards for posts and I think everyone needs to be held to the same standard.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
There is no doubt God of War is basically a collection of aspects this industry learned - especially Sony WWS - in the last 10 years. Which is also why God of War isn't doing anything for me personally, I'm simply tired of singleplayer cinematic third-person experiences. This doesn't change the fact that I can greatly appreciate and accept that this game objectively is a masterpiece for many - and that's okay. Just like it should be for people not liking the game.

It's really not though. Reducing the game to this statement is just a bad take.


Feb 20, 2018
I could only wish that more modern games were like GOW, as I can't think of a single game this generation in which combat was as fun as smashing enemies left and right with Kratos.

Also, everytime I see the Sony template thingy, I always chuckle. As if having a good story (in addition to great gameplay) is a bad thing...


Oct 27, 2017
So you bought a game to make an angry thread on ResetEra?
If you read up before buying the game you would have known most of this, to be fair.

For me, the only letdown were the amount of boss fights, the lack of quality of one of those boss fights (the dragon was insultingly archaic) and the lack of interaction in some of the starts of the boss fights. Rest of the game was brilliant. Climbing was minimal and yes, that's ALWAYS boring as fuck.

edit: lol, reading some of the comments here. Some of you just open your mouth and let random words let out, right?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
If this thread, with its inaccuracies and usage of a tired meme, is the hill y'all want to die on, feel fucking free.
It kind of says a lot about the defensiveness going on that some people here keep focusing on OP bringing up a "tired meme" that was used in lieu of a "well yeah of course big budget Sony's gonna have a camera angle like this", with the actual point being that the game's issues are endemic of the creative decision to employ it rather than implying that a Sony game having a cinematic third person camera is bad. Then again, I don't imagine a lot of people read between the lines on here.
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